Know-It-All Syndrome

Many people, who have a ‘know-it-all,’ persona; whether a Webster definition, or who pretends to know more than anyone else; have one personality trait in common, narcissism. Hidden behind the need to let the world know exactly how smart, funny, interesting or great she/he is, is the need to convince him/herself of their value. All know-it-alls suffer from a lack of self-confidence, and what they seek, through their tireless efforts to impress, is usually the need for approval and validation.

Inner Voice: Listen Up

There is a moment when you can make a decision to listen to that still, small voice within. The small voice is your highest authority, your greatest strength, your deepest peace and everything in the Universe.

You may realize that when you pay attention and follow your Inner Voice, life unfolds in a dramatically new way. Opportunities seem to present themselves with no forewarning and your possibilities expand.

Animal and Creature Medicine

Medicine Cards – The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals is a book and a set of 52 beautifully designed animal cards. This divination system is based on the ancient Native American teachings and wisdom. The book and cards to facilitate the ancient teachings and wisdom was conceived in a vision. The power contained within the cards is real and pragmatic. I use animal and creature medicine for myself and clients. After twenty years of use I attest to the accuracy of the messages.

Effective Communication – 100% Two-Way Responsibility

Communication is a more complicated medium than we perceive it to be. Whether listening, reading, speaking, or writing, we have selective listening (reception) and selective speaking (transmission) processes operating at all times. As you read this article, you are selectively hearing my message and I am selectively sending it based on past experience, needs values, images and the language I use. These can all become barriers to effective communication.