Guest Blog – What’s going on? The cancer is melting away!

“Terminal” lung cancer melted away naturally: The doctor gave no hope to 80-year-old Beulah from South Carolina. He said, “We have no treatment for you. You have six months to live.” During a follow-up exam two months later, the doctor asked, “What’s going on” The cancer is melting away!” Another doctor compared her before-and-after X-rays and said, “This can’t be the same woman. There’s no cancer here!”

Grace – Foundation For Peace Of Mind

Grace is the foundation for peace of mind and harmony. Although, grace is omnipresent; you need to cultivate it based on your decision to do so. You might not be consciously aware of its subtle beauty, like during chance meetings, near misses, and insights that seem to come from nowhere, you are responsible for cultivating and implementing its greatest essence in your life.