GUEST BLOG: This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You

This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You: In Words and Pictures, Children Share How Spanking Hurts and What To Do Instead is not another parenting tome by an ivory-towered theorist. This eye-opening book is written and illustrated by those most affected by spanking — children. Their words and drawings show that spanking doesn’t result in the behaviors parents and teachers desire. Instead, it sows seeds of pain, despair, humiliation, confusion, anger — and the continuation of a cycle of violence.

Guest Blog: Day Care Closed After Spanking Investigation

State officials have shut down a family-run day care center in Emporia, Kan., after allegations that the owner used prohibited punishment, which could include spanking or slapping, on the children in her care.

Pamela J. Gile received her license to operate the center on July 20, 2011, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Guest Blog: Global Summit – Ending Corporal Punishment

The first Global Summit on Ending Corporal Punishment and Promoting Positive Discipline, June 2-4, hosted by S.M.U. psychology professor George Holden, Ph.D. in Dallas. Attending were activists representing twenty one countries who are dedicated to abolishing all forms of spanking, paddling, slapping, hitting and smacking of children world wide. We discussed studies that show corporal punishment produces no positive outcomes and is associated with increased aggression, as well as behavior and mental health problems. It also fosters lower IQ, poorer academic performance, and increased bullying.