10 Tips To Create A Good Day Every Day

Are you in a daily struggle or is it one of those occasional terrible, horrible, no good bad days? Does it seem like Less-than-successful days come from nowhere. Bad days are not mandatory nor the luck of the draw.. You can have a good day, even a perfect one—anytime anywhere. Of course, if you knew how, you would–you would right? Yet, you have not created all the good days you deserve.

When  you tell yourself or someone, “I’m having a bad day, the traffic was horrible ,” And it is only 8 :10 a.m., uou are setting the tone for the rest of your day.  8:10 a.m. isn’t a day….it is an hour or less of unpleasantness. An hour or less doesn’t make your day, unless you keep believing it does.

You need to Pay Attention to your beliefs and thoughts. The following 10 positive habits will catapult your day into a good day, every day.

1. I will live and delight in the reality of being alive. The past is forever gone. The future is mine to create. I will be happy and thankful for each moment.
2. I will keep negative beliefs, thoughts and input out of your mind. Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy.
3. I am thankful for my health, my loved ones, business and my community and country. Every experience I create or engage in experiences which help me grow personally and professionally.
4. I will take care of my life—Mind, Body, Spirit. I realize the importance moderation and balance—and how much easier it is to control my will and my actions once I’m conscious of my beliefs and thoughts.
5. I will treat everyone the way I desire to be treated—with respect and integrity.
6. I will avoid gossip, jealousy and negative thinking. Most people don’t think about what they think about. I will make a conscious effort to hold positive thoughts in my mind about myself and others.
7. I will write my priorities each day. Thinking of everyone involved and my responsibilities. I will do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.
8. I will interact with others with integrity and humbleness—managing my ego and giving others recognition.
9. I will serve others to the best of my time and availability. My growth in all areas is in direct proportion to how I help, how I give back.
10. I will avoid taking rejection personally. People can only reject my ideas and not me. I will keep on keepin’ on.

This moment isn’t just another moment, it’s “THE moment.” This moment is the moment you will decide what you will do with it; what you desire. Remind yourself, “I will create an amazing day moment to moment all ways always!”

About Dr. Dorothy:

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D, Metaphysican and International Best Selling Author is a recognized authority on bridging Science and Human Potential. Dr. Dorothy provides comprehensive protocols to discover and transform the root cause for issues and diagnoses. Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Transformation combines creating health while healing past mental, emotional, and physical distress.