You can heal your present by exploring your past and recreating your life. With past life regression work, you can move through and Transformation and Transmuting the root cause of your present situation, release karmic patterns, complete old unfinished business, understand current relationships, lift old restrictions and blocks to create happiness and peace of mind, and gain a spiritual perspective of your life situation. You can go back to lifetimes for the purpose of understanding and learning, or for the purpose of bringing back talents, values, feelings, and gifts you possessed in previous lives.
What is required to enter a hypnotic state is a willingness to trust your unconscious and subconscious mind and allow feelings, sensations, images, impressions, or experiences want to emerge. Past life recall can also surface through spontaneous imagery, dreams, a memory that stems from a different time, or déjà vu experiences. Trusting any tiny bit of information that bubbles up opens the doorway for deeper material to come to the surface. It does not matter whether you believe the material obtained using hypnosis is actual or metaphorical as both have the same strong healing effect. What is uncovered will help you understand the reason for your present situation and will help alleviate or shift your perspective of it.
Some people are fearful of letting go of their rational minds in order to enter a creative state required for recalling past lives. Overcoming this fear may necessitate first exploring present life circumstances that have blocked trust of the inner self in order to reopen the natural flow of being.
You can change the past by entering into it and releasing the power it has held over your everyday life. Previous lives, as well as childhood trauma, contribute to current mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems. I gently and safely guide you to recall and review your past and to begin opening to more constructive and creative potentials.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D., Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Transformation Hypnosis Practitioner, Certified past Life Regression practitioner. She is an International Best Selling Author, and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates creating healthy empowered life styles. All diagnosis from A to Z. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings. You can live the life you desire.