Adult Survivor Of Sexual Abuse – After Effects Summary

Have you ever wondered or do you know if you are an Adult Survivor Of Sexual Abuse?  If you have wondered; this summary will assist you to clarify your thoughts, feelings and behavior or habits. If you checked one or more of these behaviors or symptoms, there is a high probability you are an Adult Survivor Of Sexual Abuse.

If you know or wonder if you are an Adult Survivor Of Sexual Abuse, this Aftereffect Summary will confirm that you are not making things up.  What you experienced then created the beliefs, thoughts and feelings you experience now and you are not crazy. If only one item in these statements is true—simply underline that portion and check it.

If you have ever wondered if or you know you are an adult survivor of sexual abuse, the articles listed will provide a thorough understanding of your experience and information on how to complete your recovery. Contrary to popular belief and many TV talk show proclamations,  recovery is possible.  The recovery process holds the promise that all aftereffects will be transformed into peace of mind, happiness, wholeness and thriving versus a perpetual survivor.

Recovery Is Possible:

Contrary to popular belief, promoted by the medical constabulary and many TV talk show proclamations, recovery is possible.  The recovery process holds the promise that all after effects will be transformed into peace of mind, happiness, wholeness and thriving versus a perpetual survivor.

Transforming the deep, profound and pervasive wounds of an Adult Survivor of Sexual Abuse requires Mind, Body, Spirit multifaceted recovery.  Talk therapy and pills are inadequate to address these deep, profound and pervasive wounds.  Dorothy M Neddermeyer, PhD developed and facilitates a highly effective protocol to meet the demands for sexual abuse recovery. Her protocol addresses all levels of Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Transformation (EPST) effectively transforms the root cause of all issues and symptoms. EPST is direct, focused and combines creating health while transforming the past. It is precise, empowering, virtually effortless and an accurate method to change the landscape of your inner and outer mind, body and spirit. EPST allows you to access your past, present and future – as well as your subconscious, and clear negative energy on all levels – Mind, Body and Spirit.

Additional Information: