Anxiety – Resolution Is Possible.
Feelings of anxiety can compel you to behave reactively. You may become easily angered or frustrated when life seems to fail to meet your expectations as old, unconscious patterns emerge in your mind, thus, compelling you to have strong emotions.
You can circumvent this reactivity by thinking rationally about each new situation you are in. You will discover that your intense emotions are caused by unresolved issues and can be managed by using meditation or affirmations. You can approach each instance of strong feelings as a separate event. Allow you feelings to come freely into your mind before allowing them to be released, thus, you will concentrate more wholly on facts. If these strategies are insufficient to mitigate your unresolved issues, it is imperative to engage with a professional, who can assist you in accessing the root cause of the issue and heal it at the core and cellular level.
Allowing rational thought rather than reactionary thoughts to guide you allows you to make informed, mindful decisions in situations both challenging and emotionally charged. When facing challenging circumstances, you might feel entitled to allow your initial emotional response to drive your actions. However, the rational mind is better equipped to examine facts and more apt to concern itself with hard truths.
When you avoid allowing your feelings to blind you to what is going on around you, you will avoid unnecessary emotional reaction. When you think rationally, you will seek to understand the challenges you face and remedy them by looking first to hear rational thinking and then to your heart for guidance. When you allow your rational thinking to be dominant, you will analyze the circumstances for what they are instead of how you feel about your circumstances.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you deisre. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.