Are You Using These Empowering Words?

The words you choose have the power to create, help, and heal… or to hurt, harm, sabotage, and destroy.

Are you using the power of words to manifest your greatest dreams and desires?

Or are you speaking lack, restricting words, and struggle into existence, and blocking yourself from creating a life you would truly love living?

I encourage my clients to stop using dis-empowering words  (and what to use instead) to help them generate the results they truly desire in their lives. See list below…


Self-Sabotage Words               Empowering Words

Always…………………………………….Sometimes, Usually, Seldom

Never………………………………………Usually, Sometimes, Seldom

Have to___. ……………………………I will___. I won’t___. No interest. Chose.

If Only___. …………………………….In the future__.  If I (you) desire___.

Why didn’t/don’t I (you)__?……..In the future__.  If you desire__.

You (I) should/shouldn’t*………….If you (I)__.  When you(I)__.

I’m trying___.  Try___. ……………I intend to___. I will___.

I can’t ___. ………………………………I will___. I decided to___.

I won’t___. ………………………………I’m interested___. My idea is___. My                                                                         intention___

But, ………………………………………….No excuses. However, I (this)___.

Hope, Hopefully…………………………I will___. I intend to___. I decided to___.

Wish………………………………………….I will___. I intend to___. I decided to___.

Why me?……………………………………After evaluating, I will___. I will handle                                                                       issues.

That’s impossible. ……………………….What I perceive I can conceive. Ask for help.

Life is difficult. …………………………….Life is life. I will handle the vicissitudes                                                                         as they come.

God’s will. ……………………………………I have free-will. I am responsible. I will                                                                         create.

God doesn’t give me more, than……..I create my reality. I will decide___.

I don’t know………………………………….All truth and answers lie within—LOOK,                                                                      LISTEN, TRUST

I’m tired. ………………………………………No excuses. I’ll evaluate to make a                                                                                   decision.

I’m worried, worrying. ……………………No excuses. I will evaluate and decide.

Too busy………………………………………..No excuses. I will schedule it. NO thank                                                                       you.

Not enough time…………………………….No excuses. I will schedule it. NO, thank                                                                       you.

Around-to-it. ………………………………..No excuses. I will. Or NO, thank you.

I’m afraid to__……………………………..No excuses. I will___. Or NO, thank you.

What if___. …………………………………No drama/worry. Evaluate and decide.

Yes, but___. ………………………………..No excuses.  I will___ No interest___.

What is my purpose?……………………..I create my reality. What reality/legacy                                                                          do I desire?

Might……………………………………………I will___. I intend___. NO, thank you. No                                                                  interest.

What is wrong w/you/me?……………..I am concerned when you(I)___. I need                                                                      to change___.

Waiting for__. ………………………………Everything is in perpetual motion. It                                                                            will appear.

Not good enough……………………………Who is your judge/jury? You are                                                                                     enough.  Step into your empowerment.

I don’t know how___. …………………….Learn. No one ever knows everything.

Ya’ can’t have everything. ………………..Focus on your desires. Decide. Take                                                                              action—

Work, Retire, then you die. ………………I will decide, plan, act, and enjoy Life.

*It is interesting to note that languages based on Spirituality do not use the word ‘should’.