Are You Using These Empowering Words?
Self-Sabotage Words Empowering Words
Always…………………………………….Sometimes, Usually, Seldom
Never………………………………………Usually, Sometimes, Seldom
Have to___. ……………………………I will___. I won’t___. No interest. Chose.
If Only___. …………………………….In the future__. If I (you) desire___.
Why didn’t/don’t I (you)__?……..In the future__. If you desire__.
You (I) should/shouldn’t*………….If you (I)__. When you(I)__.
I’m trying___. Try___. ……………I intend to___. I will___.
I can’t ___. ………………………………I will___. I decided to___.
I won’t___. ………………………………I’m interested___. My idea is___. My intention___
But, ………………………………………….No excuses. However, I (this)___.
Hope, Hopefully…………………………I will___. I intend to___. I decided to___.
Wish………………………………………….I will___. I intend to___. I decided to___.
Why me?……………………………………After evaluating, I will___. I will handle issues.
That’s impossible. ……………………….What I perceive I can conceive. Ask for help.
Life is difficult. …………………………….Life is life. I will handle the vicissitudes as they come.
God’s will. ……………………………………I have free-will. I am responsible. I will create.
God doesn’t give me more, than……..I create my reality. I will decide___.
I don’t know………………………………….All truth and answers lie within—LOOK, LISTEN, TRUST
I’m tired. ………………………………………No excuses. I’ll evaluate to make a decision.
I’m worried, worrying. ……………………No excuses. I will evaluate and decide.
Too busy………………………………………..No excuses. I will schedule it. NO thank you.
Not enough time…………………………….No excuses. I will schedule it. NO, thank you.
Around-to-it. ………………………………..No excuses. I will. Or NO, thank you.
I’m afraid to__……………………………..No excuses. I will___. Or NO, thank you.
What if___. …………………………………No drama/worry. Evaluate and decide.
Yes, but___. ………………………………..No excuses. I will___ No interest___.
What is my purpose?……………………..I create my reality. What reality/legacy do I desire?
Might……………………………………………I will___. I intend___. NO, thank you. No interest.
What is wrong w/you/me?……………..I am concerned when you(I)___. I need to change___.
Waiting for__. ………………………………Everything is in perpetual motion. It will appear.
Not good enough……………………………Who is your judge/jury? You are enough. Step into your empowerment.
I don’t know how___. …………………….Learn. No one ever knows everything.
Ya’ can’t have everything. ………………..Focus on your desires. Decide. Take action—
Work, Retire, then you die. ………………I will decide, plan, act, and enjoy Life.
*It is interesting to note that languages based on Spirituality do not use the word ‘should’.