Breast Health Awareness
Breast Health Awareness
Every month of the year is designated as a disease of the month. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The headline article in many Internet Blogs and Magazines, TV and radio news/talk shows will promote–“The Fight Against Breast Cancer.” In spite of all the research, chemotherapy, radiation, breasts removed, walking for breast cancer, wearing pink ribbons, and pink parties for breast cancer, cancer is on the rise.
Universal Laws are founded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including humans, and that energy moves in a circular fashion. At the microscopic level, every living thing, is a whirling mass of electrons and energy atoms spinning rapidly. Humans are intimately connected with this sea of whirling electrons.
Our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions are forms of energy. What we believe, think, feel, say and do in each moment comes back to us to create our realities. Energy moves in a circle, so what goes around comes around. The combined beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions of everyone on the planet creates our collective consciousness, it creates the world we see. Mind Body, Spirit health is your birth right. It is you responsibility to yourself to maintain what is rightfully yours.
I am sharing these insights with you because I want you to know you have greater control of your health than you know. I know from my own experience and from the experience of my clients whom I help heal from dire dis-eases–Cancer, Diabetes, Lupus, Hepatitis C, Fibromyalgia, MS, high blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse and the list goes on.
Nothing can be healed through a process of ‘fighting against it.’ First we need to look at how reality is created. Thoughts are created from our indoctrination and conditioning and feelings follow. Thoughts and feelings are impulses of energy. The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Cells of the nervous system, called nerve cells or neurons, are specialized to carry “messages” through an electrochemical process. The human brain has approximately 100 billion neurons.
Neurons have specialized projections called dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring information to the cell body and axons take information away from the cell body. Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. The synapse is a small gap separating neurons. The synapse consists of:
1. a presynaptic ending that contains neurotransmitters, mitochondria and other cell organelles,
2. a postsynaptic ending that contains receptor sites for neurotransmitters and,
3. a synaptic cleft or space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic endings.
Thoughts and feelings are impulses of energy and information. They send out vibrational pictures, patterns, and colors (not words or language). This energy affects the atmosphere (energy field) around the person thinking the thought or feeling the feeling. Once they go out they can never be retracted. What we see in the outer world is a reflection of collective humanity’s thoughts and feelings.
Radio, TV programming and popular publications create our future. It’s simple to understand how reality is created when you understand the Science of Consciousness. But what is consciousness and how can you influence it? Collective consciousness is the sum total of humanity’s beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions. Media, public relations firms, and advertising constantly send out thought-forms that program us for sickness, drugs, violence, fear, and materiality. These thoughts go into collective consciousness and create a huge cesspool of dysfunctional beliefs from which we draw our personal thoughts. Perception is carefully and precisely regulated by pharmaceutical and medical practices.
Most conventional wisdom is implanted into the public consciousness by a thousand contrived media clips per day. Whose Thoughts Are You Thinking? Where attention goes–reality is created. Have you wondered why most people in America generally think the same thing about most issues? Have you wondered why an entire community has a high incidence of a particular disease? These perceptions are perpetrated and continuously reinforced by spin-doctors. The thought is created first-then it manifests in everyday life. For example, constant awareness to medical problems creates more drug customers. Constant awareness to being a victim creates more people feeling victimized.
Cancer was rare until someone told us about it and programmed fear thoughts into consciousness. People did not think about flu shots until the media promoted them. Have you ever wondered about the ethics of TV Allergy Reports being sponsored by a drug company? Do you believe allergy medicine will cure allergies or are pharmaceuticals a profit making industry? What’s true is that awareness to allergies promotes allergies. Remove those thoughts from your energy field and your allergies will be gone. In spite of all the research, chemotherapy, etc. cancer is on the rise. Thoughts and feelings create disease!
Let’s explore conventional thought streams promoted in today’s society which are creating public consciousness:
1) an education guarantees financial success,
2) war will create peace,
3) fluoride protects your teeth,
4) take out your gall bladder, tonsils, spleen, appendices and after a certain age, remove breasts, uterus, ovaries, testicles, etc., because they aren’t really needed or that is the way to create health. Think about it–if these body parts weren’t needed why did the human body evolve with them intact?
5) HIV causes AIDS,
6) without vaccines infectious diseases will return,
7) the FDA thoroughly tests all drugs before marketing them,
8) if it’s written in the newspaper, on TV or professional journal, it’s true,
9) flu shots prevent flu,
10) menopause complications are something every woman can expect,
11) pharmaceutical drugs restore health. Think about it–if drugs restored health why are thousands of people taking numerous drugs?
12) pets need drugs, shots and surgery,
13) scientists and doctors are god-like,
14) be afraid of sun causing cancer,
15) “own a piece of the rock,” makes you wiser, wealthier
16) the purpose of life is shopping–shop ’till you drop.
Do yourself a favor, ‘Dare To Think For Your Self’ even though you might be considered a weirdo. Being a weirdo is healthier, than allowing yourself to be programmed to have all the diseases the pharmaceutical companies want you to have so they can sell drugs. Most people are ignorant-not evil. But, as the saying goes ignorance of the law is no excuse. The result of ignorance however, is why I rely on Universal Laws. These laws transcend man-made laws, and hold true without fail. If you jump out of a window on the 10th floor you will go down–Newton’s Law of Gravity … and if you plant potato seeds you will get potatoes–not corn. Thoughts are planting seeds. Feelings follow thoughts. Thoughts and feelings create disease!
“We cannot create solutions to problems with the same consciousness that created them.”–Einstein.
“Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”–Einstein.
When you understand the truth about how reality is created, you will think beyond living in only a “physical world” and think in terms of an “energy world”. To break free of collective programming you will need to shift your thought programming and then vigilantly select each thought and feeling. Shifting your thought programming is much like installing an upgraded computer program onto your computer. “Fighting Against” Energy Creates More Of What You Don’t Want and Collapses Your Energy Field.
For example, if you are in a relationship with someone and they are stuck in their doldrums, what you need to do is observe what makes you feel good, or what brings you joy-and do it. Don’t waste your energy fighting against what you don’t want. This only creates more of what you don’t want. Another example: Many people are dissatisfied with management or the company they work for. Most of their energy is wasted ruminating about the boss and co-workers. It’s more productive to decide what makes you fulfilled and create it. Only invest in positive thoughts. Make the necessary changes to your preferred state of functioning. Your energy, time and money will increase because you’re not “fighting against something” or “ruminating about getting rid of something.” It’s impossible to get “far enough away” from anything or anyone, because separation is only an illusion. People or experiences are never more than a thought away.
The Internet is helping people learn about being connected. Just as you can send e-mail via the Internet, we constantly send people “energy e-mail” messages. It doesn’t matter whether the person is in the same room or across the globe. They instantly, consciously or unconsciously, get your “energy e-mail.” To create the reality you prefer – you need to be very selective with each thought you allow to enter your mind, and carefully monitor the thoughts and feelings you send to others. “Hedging Against” and “Ruminating.” To Protect Yourself Most people have been programmed to hedge against inflation, to purchase insurance to protect against disability, fire, death, and illness, etc. The “save for a rainy day” mindset is also “hedging against.” This attracts to you what you don’t want in your life. The hidden motivation to save for retirement is usually driven by a desire to protect against old age. “Has the campaign, “Say NO to drugs” worked, if not, why not? It can’t work because, the brain only records the last word … drugs … drugs … drugs. The saying, needed to be, “Say, “NO” to drugs…and Say, “YES to Life.”
The mind set of AGAINST vs. FOR … profits huge industries. People buy vitamins, hair and beauty aids, their children’s education, and get regular medical tests and checkups for the negative reasons of protecting themselves. All of the above scenarios are fear-based motivations that dis-empower you, collapse your energy field and create the opposite of your intentions.
PR Firms Raise Lots Of Money For Organizations “Hedging Against” something. I know several people who had a health crisis, after training for today’s popular fund raising events. Well-intended participants are running, walking or biking, with the intent to avoid cancer or honor someone they knew who experienced cancer. What they have not understood is that by putting these thoughts into their minds–the disease gets created. What if people knew they get what they are thinking and feeling–not what they think they are thinking and feeling … AND that whatever they give attention to will expand. Would they still participate? Words and feelings are powerful creators of reality. Avoid putting cancer thoughts in your consciousness (consciously or unconsciously)–you won’t create cancer in your life. A magnet does not stick to wood–only to metal. Remove the thoughts from millions of people’s consciousness (and even from your family genetic consciousness)-and the disease are seldom manifested or conditions disappear.
Your brain can’t hold two thoughts simultaneously. You can’t simultaneously hold a happy and sad thought, or healthy and sick thought. It’s impossible to think about “Fighting Breast Cancer” and simultaneously hold the thought of total health and vibrant aliveness. So what are you doing when you are fighting against something? The answer is, the more attention you put on the disease–the more people experience it.
Health is our natural state. Disease is abnormal and can’t exist in a healthy body. Remove the thoughts of victim, fear, worry, war, disease, etc., and the thoughts are deleted from the collective thought cesspool. Your “search engine” will come up with nothing. Spell check makes sure words are spelled right. Empower yourself by using a “thought-check” system for the next 30 days and see how your life changes. Allow only thoughts of health, joy, peace, integrity, and harmony. Watch how everything changes. We need to hold the pharmaceutical and medical profession liable for the results of their actions.
A well-known PR firm claims they have netted more dollars for breast cancer and AIDS charities more quickly than any known private event enterprise in United States history. But the goals are not aligned to natural laws and universal principles. Dis-ease consciousness creates dis-ease. This is why there have been no solutions, no real cures for a variety of dis-eases. To quote the promotional brochures for the fight against cancer, “3 Days Of Walking from Santa Barbara to Malibu to FIGHT breast cancer with 3,000 others like you. 3 Days Of Kindness, commitment and friendship. 3-Days of Meaning you’ll remember for the rest of your life.” Some good will come from these events. There will be some heart-warming experiences, new friendships will be made, and money will be raised. But what will be deposited in the collective thought/feeling bank to prevent dis-ease in the future? If walking from Santa Barbara to Malibu created a cure for breast cancer, why then has the number of women having breast cancer increased?
My peers who are fighting against every disease imaginable are dying at very young ages. They constantly think about how awful it is for people to get ill and lose their life savings and retirement money. Their real motivation was FEAR. From their fear, they manifested their greatest fear in their own life. Another analogy how thoughts create reality–did the campaign, “Say, NO to drugs” work, if not, why not? It can’t work because the brain only records the last word …drugs … drugs…drugs. The saying needed to be, “Say, “NO” to drugs…and Say, “Yes to Life.”
Think about this, grocery stores are now “Food & Drug Stores.” Where are we headed? Unless you own stocks in pharmaceutical companies and don’t care about the future world or yourself, your children and grandchildren will live in … please take heed. Now that you are more informed and aware about how thoughts/feelings create reality, how would you like to work for the Orange County Financial Abuse Specialist Team? They specialize in training financial abuse specialists in agencies and organizations that serve the elderly. Or are you willing to support the National Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, where a PTA organization puts a “death toll poster car” on display at the high school campus depicting people killed last year by drunk drivers in Orange County.
Their stated objective “We hope to increase a greater awareness of substance abuse through this project.” How awful that our children have to suffer because of ill informed, dysfunctional thinking adults; Or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society … Fighting Blood-Related Cancers; Or TV evangelists, who play on people’s emotions using starving children’s pictures or pictures of the helpless and hopeless; Or a concert to “STOP THE ABUSE of Afghanistan women or children;” Or “Help Stamp Out Hunger.” Or, America’s Walk For Diabetes; Or, run or walk the marathon in Honolulu for the Arthritis Foundation? Joints In Motion with a slogan, “Take it on!” Or, Race for the Cure-112 events nationwide and this organization is the leading catalyst in the FIGHT AGAINST this devastating disease…every woman is at risk-great perks, extra monograms, T-shirts, and complementary refreshments; Or you can create more awareness to arthritis by becoming a member of the Arthritis Foundation’s Joints in Motion Training Team, take a vacation, and run the “I Love Paris In The Springtime Marathon.” What about, “Prevent CHILD ABUSE?” Again, the brain records child abuse; Or Alzheimer’s Memory Walk-a fun way to join the FIGHT AGAINST Alzheimer’s Disease, where participants are instructed to bring pictures of their loved ones to remind them of why they are walking. The brochure shows four generations with only two generations with Alzheimer’s disease; Or Project Sister …sexual assault crisis services educating the communities we serve about the nature and causes of sexual violence; while simultaneously allowing corporal punishment in the home and schools. Vilence begets violence.
What solutions do any of these examples provide? Is it any wonder why hospitals, doctors and drug companies have so many patients? In addition to all the previous information in this article, many magazines use full front page headlines like, “The Diabetes Epidemic…a killer disease. This creates conscious awareness to diabetes and creates patients for the medical profession.
Consider this: A Walk For Peace in Celebration of the United Nations; Walking the Camino for the purpose of a spiritual and physical challenge… and with the intention to find one’s deepest “spiritual meaning,” and write a book about it, as Shirley McClaine did. Can you hear the difference in the motivations and energetic vibration?
These examples are FOR health and FOR very different motivations than the previous examples. Polarized Thinking Presenting information with polarized viewpoints is another way to increase negative results through creating apathy. The back and forth bantering does the same thing to your psyche as a cat that bats a mouse back and forth until it’s lethargic. Many people today are confused and don’t know who to believe or what to trust. This is the result of strategic spin-doctors who practice the science of creating public opinion. They can put a particular product or concept in a desirable light. They know the best public relations takes place when people are unaware that they are being manipulated. To create public opinion PR firms select specific radio, TV, magazines and newspapers and use third party endorsements, institutes, foundations, celebrity endorsements, scientists for hire, attack strategies, and the media uses press releases from pharmaceutical companies ostensibly as investigative news. The sole purpose of press releases as news is to keep you in fear and uncertainty so you will watch again and be subjected to more advertising. Polarized talk show participants keep consciousness stuck in no-win situations.
Dowsing and Kinesiology Testing has been used for eons to find water, oil and gold. . What Dowsing proves is the impact on a person’s energy field of all the information I’ve been sharing. If it’s truth–the field expands. If it isn’t–the field collapses. It’s amazing to witness testing someone who doesn’t even know what the “pink cancer ribbon” means, yet we get negative test results.
There is a disease of the month celebrated every month–What are we creating when we celebrate a disease? What do you think Breast Cancer Awareness month will create–more health or dis-ease? Do you want to be part of the problem, or part of the solution? Think about this and then determine what you will do.
The American Cancer Society estimates breast cancer in the United States 2012 will be approximately:
• 226,870 cases of invasive breast cancer in women
• 63,000 cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS – non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer) will be found
• 39,510 deaths from breast cancer (women)
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. The chance of women dying from breast cancer is approximately 1 in 36. Currently, there are more than 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. The American Cancer Society’s prediction of breast cancer cases for 2012 is fueling the belief of millions of women. These statistics are good marketing tools for pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals and hospice.
Who You Are and What You Do Makes A Difference. “We are not only responsible for what we do, but also, for that what we don’t do.”–Voltaire
One of the greatest gifts we can give to the world is to monitor everything we think and feel. Stop reading popular magazines and newspapers…stop watching TV and listening to radio…and you will be amazed at how different you think and feel.
It takes great courage to pull out of the cesspool of dysfunctional thinking…and live the Universal Laws of truth. It’s time to wake-up and take responsibility for your health, wellness and happiness. What we envision think and believe is what we will create. Consider how different the world would be if TV and radio programming only broadcast information about the positive aspects of life, instead of all the ills and deviants. Their negative thought forms are a major factor in creating society today. Think about the world our children and grandchildren will live in. Be discerning, selective–and only support people and empowering causes that truly make this world a better place to live.
There are three strategies for creating health: Monitoring thoughts and feelings, creating peace of mind and joy, maintaining healthy food plan for your blood type, and exercise. It is that easy.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician Hypnosis Practitcioner, author, international speaker and inspirational leader, specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life’s challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.