Guest Blog: Our View: Educate Parents About Value of Non-Violent Discipline

We are persuaded by the arguments of Family Nonviolence Inc. that say the preferred course is to teach children to solve problems without violence, teach high school students that parenting can work without corporal punishment and teach parents that – regardless of how they were raised – they can discipline their children with methods other than spanking.

We are convinced that children raised this way will be more likely to be peacemakers in a world that assaults and batters us all far too much.

Guest Blog: Bill Banning Corporal Punishment in Schools To Be Introduced in Congress

Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY4), a nurse who has put a heavy emphasis on public health and safety issues since joining Congress in 1997, will on Thursday introduce the “Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act,” legislation that aims to end the practice of children being struck or beaten in schools by school personnel.

Guest Blog – House Passes Anti-Spanking Bill

MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives has passed on third and final reading a proposed measure that prohibits “spanking” of children.

House Bill 4455 or the Positive Discipline bill, authored by Tarlac Rep. Susan Yap, prohibits acts that are perceived as abusive to children and advocates positive and non-violent means to discipline children.

Guest Blog: US Tracking of Child-Abuse Deaths Is Flawed

America uses flawed methods to tally and analyze the deaths of children who have been maltreated, and the latest annual estimate of 1,770…4.8 children per day…such fatalities is likely too low, the Government Accountability Office says in a new report to Congress.

Better data, says the GAO, would aid in developing strategies that could save many children’s lives in the future.

The GAO report, the subject of a House Human Resources