Great Discovery – Success

The greatest discovery anyone can make is that you can do what you think you can not do. The greatest bars are barriers you are up against is your Self. You put the bars and barriers there and you can take them down.  

The great discovery that you can do what you think you can not do is that you are afraid you can not do it. Henry Ford is credited with stating, ‘One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.’ The barrier is something you have accepted in your indoctrination, conditioning and adopted beliefs. You are the only one who can dismantle the beliefs which no longer serve your best interests, desires and needs.  

Fortunately, you are capable of dismantling these indoctrinations, conditioning and adopted beliefs. However, you need to discover the bars and barriers that hold you back. Many ways people hold themselves back is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of success; Fear of failure; Fear of not being good enough; and the list can goes on. You need to determine what beliefs you hold that are helpful or harmful, deliberately created or indoctrinated.

  •  List five things you believe about yourself – Do these beliefs help or hinder achieving your desires?
  • List five things you believe about relationships – Do these beliefs help or hinder your creating a satisfying relationship?
  • List five things you believe about money – Do these beliefs help or hinder you in your creating success?   

The beliefs that hinder need to be rooted out and replaced with what you want to believe. When you move away from being the source of your beliefs, your past takes over your beliefs. Responsibility is being source right now. Blame is looking for who was source. You can become addicted to the past to provide answers to your success. Reversing the flow and giving answers to the past is a powerful transformational process.   

Research of high achievers reveals that success is tied to seven principals – Setting the goal to achieve success; education to accomplish each goal (either formal or trial and error—learn as you go); Good health; Drive; Resourcefulness; Perseverance; Connection with guidance – the Source of all knowledge.  

This minute is the first minute of the rest of your life. Pause now and decide to discover what is hindering you from creating your grandest desires.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.