Hypnosis – The Facts
You have read the plethora of articles and seen or heard pharmaceutical advertisements touting the miracle of controlling and coping with every emotional distress with tips, strategies and prescriptions. If these miracle tips, strategies and prescriptions work so well—Why then are so many people, who use the same tips, strategies and prescriptions still have the issue?
The answer is simple: These tips, strategies and prescriptions treat symptoms. Modern psychotherapy/psychiatry treats symptoms because symptoms can be quantified and identified, or so it is claimed by traditional modern medical and psychiatric practices.
Emotional Pain is described in terms of the symptoms—Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Self-Esteem issues, Mood Swings, Compulsive Behavior, Chronic and Acute Fear, Self-Injury, Suicidal Thoughts, Shame, Guilt, Eating Disorders, or Addictions). Treating symptoms does not heal or resolve the issues. Time, marriages, children, success, wealth, buying a bigger house, or faster car, changing jobs or relocating will not CURE it. The damage is sometimes very deep, pervasive and profound. It is a soul injury. The person has been robbed of his or her integrity, core identity and trust.
American Health Magazine (1969) reported the following findings from a study by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD. An updated study “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal” by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. published in Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (Spring, 1970) clearly points out – Hypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis. http://www.stresscards.com/esspsychotherapy.htm
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy 93% recovery after 6 sessions
In a hypnotic state, you are more receptive to new ideas and you can more effectively process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, humiliation and low self-esteem.
Hypnosis is a special form of communication to the subconscious mind where habits are established and memory is stored. Because the language of the subconscious mind is visual, the more detailed your image is of your goal, the faster your subconscious mind will create the changes you desire. Once your subconscious accepts a new idea, you automatically accept it at a conscious level.
Traditional mental health professionals ask: “What is wrong with you?” or “What happened to you?” Asking, “What is wrong with you?” or “What happened to you?” implies blame, sickness and fault. Asking, “What did you experience growing up?”—allows the person to begin the process of discovering the source of their pain and healing the emotional wounds.
Traditional psychotherapy/psychoanalysis neglects the fact that we feel, sense, and experience global political mass consciousness, as well as our individual consciousness, like never before. A Mind, Body, Spirit approach addresses all three, therefore opening the door to true balance and healing.
In Mind, Body, Spirit healing, the Facilitator assists the person to connect via hypnosis with the three major parts of themselves—mind, body, spirit, and to go back to the inner child, or “child of the inner light.” All things came from light, so internally we are all light, no matter what camouflage (depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, shame, guilt, sadness, eating disorders, substance abuse, etc.) we have adopted to keep our “inner child” safe. We ourselves often do not know any of this consciously, but when you learn it, and consciously give this “trilogy” our empowerment to act in our lives, amazing healing occurs. This is true emotional and spiritual healing.
The word ‘heal’ has a definitive definition for most people. When we use the word healing it implies there is something wrong. I believe healing is much more. The soul knows its sole purpose for being here is for emotional and spiritual growth—a.k.a. transformation. Healing to me is evolving and optimizing into our health and into who we really are. Mind, Body, Spirit healing is restructuring our energy that has become distorted, misaligned or suppressed. My definition of healing is evolution beyond just losing some ability and regaining it.
When we truly ask for Mind, Body, Spirit healing we are asking about the ‘cause,’ of our pain not the symptoms we are experiencing. When I work with someone, I am not treating, I am not giving therapy, I am only conscious of symptoms because the symptoms are clues to what needs to be transformed. Using the unconscious mind the person is guided to create their unique transformation process to ultimately eliminate (heal) the cause of the symptoms.
Discovering the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual aspect of the person’s concerns takes approximately an hour and a half, sometimes two hours. This process can be done in one or two sessions. However, simultaneously there is a ‘healing’ component. So, when the person leaves the first session the transformation process has begun.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates Emotional and Spiritual Healing (ESH) for all diagnoses – clearing baggage, fears and limiting beliefs. Then, you can live the life you desire.She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s daily thoughts and feelings. https://drdorothy.net