Hypnosis Utilizes The Mind’s Natural Ability
When people denounce Hypnosis as a fraud or hoax they are denouncing a process their mind does automatically dozens of times every day. Hypnosis is a word that was assigned to a process that the mind does automatically without any conscious thought. Your mind automatically goes into a concentrated focus when you are reading, watching TV, at the theater, concerts, driving, playing video games, etc.
The process called Hypnosis is a more heightened focus and concentration than one can achieve automatically. Many people can reach the same heightened focus and concentration through meditation. However, in order to achieve a healing process one needs to ask various questions to sort out all the aspects of the situation. It is impossible for one to be able to ask a series off questions. Asking good questions is the responsibility of a well-trained deep healing hypnosis practitioner.
Hypnosis has been proven to maintain sensation and behavior,and has been used to eliminate stress, anxiety, phobias. pain, mental/emotional issues and all diagnoses from A to Z. Furthermore, hypnosis can be used to assist the person to go back in time to discover and resolve past experiences that has mental/emotional pain showing up (i.e. being triggered) in the present. Such as: Depression, Anxiety, eating disorders, ADD, ADHD, Panic, OCD, and the list goes on.
Discovering and healing the cause of all distress symptoms is the most efficient and effective protocol to regain your life.
When someone comes to me, no matter how dire their predicament seems to be, I KNOW if she/he is WILLING to do the mental/emotional discovery work; releasing and forgiving, anything can be healed. The word ‘incurable’ or ‘impossible’ only means that the particular condition, symptom or diagnoses cannot be ‘cured’ by ‘outer’ methods and that she/he needs to GO WITHIN to effect the healing. The condition, symptom or diagnoses came from mental/emotional distress and will go back to nothing.
When beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behavior are accessed and addressed at the unconscious level, the ’cause’ of any and all symptoms and behavior become crystal clear–it is mental/emotional, physical, and spiritual trauma/distress manifesting in the behavior and symptoms you experience.
A Deep Healing process is a clear, concise and direct method of transforming the mental, emotional and physical symptoms that transcends traditional protocols while retaining a professional focus. Deep Healing avoids prescription and OTC drugs, body parts removed, artificial hypnotic inductions and psychic interventions. The process ties in directly with the experiences and needs of the person. The process is down-to-earth, to-the-point, practical, fearless and with 30+ years experience and centuries of holistic health care protocol success I know there is no doubt Deep Healing is effective.
- Get all your unnecessary emotional baggage transmuted at the unconscious level and instantly experience higher vibrations of love and peace.Discover how traumas and emotional wounds… even the tiniest negative experiences that you had forgotten about… are robbing you of your happy, fulfilling future that you’re meant to live. (You won’t believe how much power you’re giving away to these invisible forces.)
- Uncover the reason(s) the traditional coping with traumas are not only bad but they’re dangerous. (If you suffer from any kind of anxiety, depression, PTSD issues healing at the unconscious level is powerful and empowering. Afraid of your past? Discover ways to clear painful memories without reliving it or telling anyone about it. (This is the miracle road to peace that your soul was longing for, for years.)
- Clearing your traumas and emotional wounds at the unconscious level is the first step to discovering the gifts you’re meant to have in this life. (It’s like one of those tiny levers that swing open giant doors.)Wellness is the state of being fully alive with a sense of attainment; responding appropriately instead of reacting to life and circumstances.
Mental/Emotional and physical health and Wellness is the act of remaining calm and focused while working things out with respect and unconditional intent to find a solution. Ultimately your personal character; personal strength and courage will evolve. To attain wellness requires you to make healthy choices in nutrition, relationships, social contact, work and leisure activities,