Transforming emotional issues at the core addresses the all-important relationship to one’s true spiritual nature. Transforming the psychological conditional patterns and unconscious beliefs that arise from our personal histories and adaptations effectively transforms our mind, body and spirit.

Thus, you transform how you feel, sense, and experience global political mass consciousness, as well as your individual consciousness, like never before. A Mind, Body, Spirit approach addresses the three critical aspects of one’s being, therefore opening the door to true balance and emotional healing.

Well-being comes from the understanding of the Self, the family, the local community in which we live, and the global community of which we are a part. We are each one heart of the Whole; each heart here to express its unique piece of the Whole. Knowing Self creates a sense of “I as a piece of this Whole,” different and one at the same time.


Introductory Offer – $100 for 10 E-Responses

Not every issue is a major problem. Not every issue is a trauma. Not every distress is an emotional disorder. For life’s daily issues and for personaland professional growth, now there is E-Coaching! Dr. Dorothy Neddermeyer offers a 10-session consultation package for people who would like coaching, guidance,or direction for personal or professional growth. Such as: relationship, parenting issues, asking for a raise, working with difficult people, etc. Begin by usingPayPal to send a $100 payment to, then send an e-mail to that same e-mail address, expressing your specific area of concern to begin! You will receive an e-response within 8 hours or less. Your subsequent questions can be focused on fine tuning or expanding on the e-response or a new topic. Dr. Dorothy looks forward to working with you.

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