World Hypnosis Directory –
One Voice: The National Alliance for Abuse Awareness and its public policy project, The American Coalition for Abuse Awareness (ACAA)
This alliance of survivors, supporters, child advocates, and health care and legal professionals works to educate the public, the media and legislators. Offers a national resource line, legal referrals and information on abuse, trauma, and memory. is a UK-based online directory of Healers, Therapists, Counsellors, and other Health Practitioners working in Holistic, Alternative, and Complementary therapies and offering their services to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
There are around 10,000 practitioner listings offering services in over 250 different categories of therapy, located throughout the UK and Ireland.
The directory is highly searchable, and allows you to quickly find a practitioner near you. Simply click on one of the search options at the top of the left column. You can also search using the standard ‘problem’ keyword reports (lower down on this page).
Mothers Against Sexual Abuse (MASA)
Offers public education, support for non-offending parents, networking, legislative activism, and a newsletter.
Justice for Children
Works to protect children when agencies fail to help. Operates a hotline, monitors court proceedings, conducts community forums, and educates elected officials.
The Family Dialogue Project
Provides services to families seeking mediation as an alternative to legal action in response to allegations of sexual abuse.
The Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence
Serves both religious and secular communities, providing excellent literature, books, videos, trainings, conferences, and consultation, and is responsible for groundbreaking work on the relationship between the church and family violence issues.
The Safer Society Foundation (SSFI)
This research, advocacy and referral center publishes groundbreaking literature, audio, and videotapes, including the best resources for youthful sex offenders. They maintain a directory of agencies and individuals providing specialized treatment for youthful and adult sex offenders. Also sponsors Stop It Now, which challenges adults to confront abusing behaviors and offers a help line for abusers who want to stop abusing: 1-888-PREVENT.
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84. Wyatt, Gail E., Gloria Johnson Powell. Lasting Effects of Child Sexual Abuse. Sage Focus Edition, Vol. 100. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA 1988.
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