The power of your subconscious mind influencing your mind, body and spirit is real! Let me show you how.  Hypnosis works.

Dr. Dorothy will guide you to access your powerful mind and will teach you the skills you need to live a happy, healthy, empowered life.

-Kevin Costner used hypnosis to prevent sea sickness.

-Martha Stewart used hypnosis to prevent nightmares of being in prison.

-Fergie uses hypnosis to eliminate stress.

-Tiger Woods uses hypnosis to gain a mental edge playing golf

-Ellen Degeneres, Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Billy Joel, Ben Affleck, Samuel L. Jackson, Winona Ryder, Ashton Kutcher, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, Roger Daltry,Justin Timberlake, Charlize Theron used hypnosis to quit smoking.

-Lily Allen used hypnosis to lose weight.

-Kelly Ripa used hypnosis to eliminate fear of flying

-Debra Messing used hypnosis to eliminate fear of water.

What fear do you want to eliminate?

-Sylvester Stallone used hypnosis to eliminate negative effects of stress.

You can too.

-David Beckham used hypnosis to eliminate Obsessive Compulsions. What do you want to eliminate?

-Fergie used hypnosis for relaxation, quit smoking and drugs.

Hypnosis works. 93% recovery in 6 sessions. You can too.

-Eva Mendes used hypnosis to prevent nail biting. What do you want to eliminate or prevent?

-Aaron Eckhart used hypnosis to stop alcohol abuse. 93% recovery in 6 sessions.

-Montel Williams, Florence Henderson used hypnosis to eliminate depression

-Kristi Yamaguchi, Mark Knopler used hypnosis for relaxation. What do you need to improve your life – more relaxation, eliminate fear?

-Nick Faldo used hypnosis to improve concentration. What do you want to improve?

Is all the work done through hypnosis?

Oftentimes, all work is done through hypnosis – sometimes processing aspects of your issues are done on the conscious level. There are a number of ways you will be working to achieve your goal. All the work is tailored to you as an individual, so that no matter how it is transpiring for you, we can use the right combination of approaches to get your issues resolved successfully.

How many sessions does it take?

Everyone is unique. How long it would take to resolve your reason(s) for smoking is dependent on your uniqueness. You may work slowly, you may work quickly. Some issues are straightforward, some are complicated. Research reveals that the majority of people usually require three – six sessions, but many people need more time than that.

How much does it cost?

Dr. Dorothy offers a reduced fee, or FREE, which will be discussed when you call for a 15 minute FREE no obligation consultation.

What are the results?

Everyone can heal the cause of their issues. I have assisted people for 30 years in healing many issues from Abdominal Pain to Weight Reduction and Maintenance and everything in between. It takes more work for some than others, and many have resolved other issues (confidence, self-esteem, etc.) in the process. The major factor for your success is the willingness to stay the course. Commitment, determination, perseverance and dedication to creating your health are all you need. I facilitate the process.

What’s the next step?

Dr. Dorothy looks forward to working with you when you are:

– willing to actively participate in accomplishing your goal.
– willing to learn and change to achieve your desired outcome.
– willing to engage in a natural, drug-free solution to your issue.
– willing to stay the course rather than looking for a quick-fix.
– looking for a long-term solution rather than a short-term boost
– willing to get “off the fence” about resolving your ‘issues.’

Sound good?  Take the first step towards getting your issue resolved; call Dr. Dorothy at 480-794-1561  


  • Two convenient office locations: Phoenix and Old Town Scottsdale
  • Sessions – Face-to-Face, Phone or Skype/Google Hangout.  Call Dr. Dorothy NOW. Your call will be returned within 4 hours. If you prefer to have Dr. Dorothy call you use the ‘Ask Dr. Dorothy’ form. You will receive a response in 4 hours.