Improve Your Success Rate – Believe Without Doubt
These words are a poignant reminder that you can believe in the goodness in your life, albeit, you can not see it or feel it. Remember the Universe’s power and the goodness of the Source or Greater Power is Omni-present even when you are unable to see it or feel it.
Remember to believe the ever-present goodness surrounding you. No matter what you are going through, it gets easier, because you are surrounded by the Universe’s supportive energy.
The Laws of the Universe guarantee the results when you believe without doubt, because they are a natural principle that does not change over time or with the vicissitudes in life. Believing in the Universal Laws is no different than planting corn and nurturing the soil. You do not need to wonder if the seeds will produce corn when it is given enough nutrients and water. Corn seeds only produce a corn plant.
This analogy holds true with your life. Believing in something even though you can not see it or feel it is belief in a natural principle. When you believe without doubt you can proceed to create your desires.
Ironically, humans limit their ability to create because of doubt or negative beliefs. When you believe something even though you can not see it or feel it, you will create it. You are creating everything in your life whether you believe, have doubt or negative beliefs. What are you creating? Are you creating what you desire or something else?
Pause now. Improve your manifesting success rate – believe even when you can not see it or feel it.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you deisre. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.