Is There A Core Emotional Component To Illness?

Is There A Core Emotional Component To Illness?

What is My Mind, Body, Spirit Telling Me When The Symptoms Surface?

Many people remark they have done all the tests, the examinations, diagnosing the symptoms that get a fancy label….. And all of this means having a label will bring the correct health care to ‘cure’ it. The results only leave you in the dark searching for an answer. A question that is consistently asked, ‘What is wrong with you?

Believe it or not; there is nothing ‘w-r-o-n-g’ with you. There is however something off balance in your mind, body and spirit that is begging for the correct question or questions to be asked. The correct question is: ‘What is my body telling me and what needs my attention?

Pain, discomfort, stress, feeling ‘off,’ tired, or just not feeling ‘good,’ is your mind, body and spirit telling you something needs your attention. Your Mind (Subconscious), Body and Spirit are your infinite intelligence and best diagnostician. Your computer (brain), though a great computer is not your intelligence or even your intellect. Your Mind (Subconscious), Body and Spirit holds all your experiences and history. When you are disconnected from your Mind (Subconscious), Body and Spirit and are staying fully in your computer brain (conscious mind), you lose connection to your greatest power. Thus, you are not fully present in your Mind, Body and Spirit. Oh yes, no one will guess, not even your doctor or closest friends and family, that you are not fully functioning. The truth is you are going through life being lead around by the never-ending dysfunctional behavioral patterns programmed into your conscious brain. These programs are indoctrinations from family, religion, community, education, culture, society, political, pharmaceutical, food additives, genetically modified food and the list goes on.

Now that you know your conscious mind is a computer – What can you do? The real issue is: If your conscious mind is running your life, the show, your health, what is your body doing? Your body is hanging around waiting for you to reconnect to your Mind (subconscious) Body and Spirit so that you can live life to the fullest.

How do you reconnect to your Mind (subconscious), Body and Spirit? You connect to your body by asking the correct questions. “What is my body telling me?” What is prompting the pain/discomfort, tiredness, etc, I am experiencing? “What is prompting my body to ‘feel off?’ Am I experiencing emotional and spiritual depravation? Is my nutrition, vitamins, mineral supplements adequate? Am I drinking adequate water?

When you connect to your body and you ‘get’ that your body knows what is going on and your computer brain does not, you can begin to explore the deeper issues that are causing the physical disruptions in your body. At the core of the pain/discomfort is the big emotional root cause.

It is your emotional body that creates the symptoms and that manifests in your body. The emotional attachments to the past are a huge factor in how you proceed in your life, your health and what you create as illness. Remember, you did not do anything ‘w-r-o-n-g,’ you are not bad, you are not less than, you are not any of these disempowering labels. Addressing the core issue that is prompting the illness is not to create another level, but to give you the tools as the Non-Emotional Observer to go inside your Self and ‘feel; to the depths of your being, what these labels or diagnoses are all about.

So now you know your brain is a computer. So the real issue is if your brain is running your life, your show, your health, what is your body doing? Your body is hanging around waiting for you to make the connection and to live life to the fullest. How do you do it? By connecting to your body, asking the correct questions… “What is my body telling me?” “Why is my body in pain?” “Why is my body feeling off?”

As soon as you connect to your body and as soon as you “get” that your body knows what is going on and your computer brain doesn’t, you can begin to get to the core of the issues that are causing the physical disruptions in your body. At the core of the pain is the big emotional root cause. It is your emotional body that makes you ill and causes disease in your body.

The emotional attachments to the past are a huge factor in how you process your life, your health and what you create as illness. Remember, you did not do anything wrong, you are not bad, you are not less…you are not any of these hurtful labels. Addressing the core issue of illness is not to create another label but to give you the tools as the Non-Emotional Observer to go inside your Self and “feel” to the depths what these labels or diagnoses are all about.


Anxiety:…………Emotion of lack of control
Arthritis:………..Extreme Rigid Beliefs
Cancer:…………..Eating your Self up alive
Depression:……..Deep disappointment
Diabetes:…………Life is sour – Sweetness gone
Fibromyalgia:….Rigid Belief Systems (B.S. Programs)
Heart Attack:…..Broken Heart
Lung Issues:…….Not breathing into life
Etc, Etc, Etc:……There is always an emotional core issue!

This is a paradigm shift. You have been told that everything outside of you made you sick, including parents, teachers, chemicals, whatever! Yes, these contributed to your illness. Your emotional body, not being able to express your Truth from your inside to the outside world, made you ill. You internalized emotionally all the limitations. Your body knows how to heal itself. Your body endures all the emotional and physical trauma dramas until it can’t do it anymore and you get “sick”.

Start talking to your body.  Ask your body in the area that is labeled as sick; what your body wants you to know. Start communicating with your Self. Stop blaming anyone or anything. Trust your heart, trust your intuition. Your body will give up the correct answers if you ask the correct questions. Begin to stand in your Truth and do not worry what other people think. Only care about what you feel and intuit. With this paradigm shift, you know that you can heal your Self from the inside out – Look, Listen and Trust.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey.