Learn To Manifest Your Dreams – Quickly and Easily
‘Some people live 99 years, while others live one year 99 times.’
When you look at your life have you noticed that a year later, not much has changed?
For most people, the majority of their days (and their results) have mostly repeated themselves.
However, when I ask people if they want things to be different they say, ‘Absolutely!’
Why is it that most people create what I call the ‘rerun results,’ scenario?
Humans were given a divine capacity for co-creating life. We can create our lives by design or by default.
It can be said, ‘Be that as it may…’
There is something that is at work in you that loves to keep things status quo. It revels in sameness day after day, week after week and month after…you get the idea. Whatever is at work will stop at no end to keep you from reaching your dreams
That something is a gravitational pull to your thinking. This gravitational pull is powered by your hidden Self-Image. This pull is stronger than any goal you set, any dream you choose or any vision boards you hang around the room.
It is a gravitational pull of habitual thinking that sabotages your efforts to create the life you aspire to have.
It is like a beast that sleeps in your unconscious mind. Whenever you want to make a change it rears its ugly head, storms out of its cave, fighting tooth and nail to keep your life the same.
Why does this take place? It takes place because the unconscious mind is afraid of change – change equals fear of the unknown. The unconscious mind holds all the memories of failures, fear, hurts, etc. and rushes to protect you if you dare to venture out of your perceived comfort zone.
The unconscious mind is very smart in it’s strategies to keep you safe. It shows up in subtle ways and likes to convince you that it has your best interest in mind – protection and safety from perceived danger.
Would you like to know how this hidden beast affects you? Would it be OK if I told you can achieve your dreams and desires?
Your results are a perfect expression of your hidden Self-Image…and the absence of any dream you have is the direct result of this hidden beast in action.
It is not your fault that you have not, yet, manifested your dream(s). It is simply a matter of having the proper tools to overcome this internal gravitational force for sameness.
Over the past forty years, I have helped people transform their hidden Self-Image, tame the inner-beast, and create lasting change for good in their lives.
In a program specifically designed for your needs you will:
• Gain clarity on your dream(s) so that it aligns with your true purpose
• Remove the inner-blocks that prevent your from reaching your dream(s)
• Create circumstances that other people call, ‘amazing’ or ‘lucky,’ which
makes getting results easier and more fun
• Produce your best results quickly by find your ‘Perfect State of Being,’ (even
when facing a tight deadline)
• Harness your life-balance to infuse fun and joy into your daily routine
• Discover the #1 factor that destroys confidence
• Develop deep-rooted self-esteem that is impervious to the opinion and approval
of others
• Discover the hardwiring behind your self-worth and permanently amplify it (even if
You have challenges with this in the past)
• Discover how to receive the prosperity you have missed before
• Discover the symptoms of self-sabotage and how to eradicate them immediately so they do not roadblock your success
• Discover the three vital steps to build your dream (if you miss any one of these you may
Lose out on seeing your dream(s) come true)
• And much more…
The program is specifically designed to help you launch your new year with vision, purpose, and new mental momentum.
You will diagnose exactly what is blocking your success, eradicate any self-sabotage, and receive the tools necessary to build your dream(s).
When you are willing to live by design and take action, you will create your dream(s).
Join me and other spiritually minded people in what will be the most important and transformative experience in your life.
Contact me for the next scheduled program.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing baggage, fears and limiting beliefs. Then, you can live the life you desire.She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s daily thoughts and feelings. http://www.gen-assist.com