Life’s Paradox
The Self is neither small nor big; it is both simultaneous. Your spirit is like a drop in the spiritual energy ocean, yet, it is an integral and significant part of the whole.
You are the Spirit Self that animates your body and infuses your thoughts and feelings. Your language is limited to what you perceive and descriptions are one dimensional based on the perceptions people comprehended at the time. Thus, only metaphors approach the expressions that give a true sense of a spiritual nature.
The paradox lies in opposing concepts and perceptions, all of which are true at the same time other concepts and perceptions are operating. In the context of harmonizing the opposites, you begin to know the wonders of the Spirit Self.
The Spirit Self is neither small nor big; it is both simultaneous. Although, your Spirit Self seems small, separate or disconnected part of the whole, it is still comprised of the same things and can become part of the vast spiritual ocean. Your Spirit Self seems to inhabit your body like a passenger in a vehicle, however, at the same time is not bound by your body.
Your Spirit Self can reach across the miles to touch the heart of past, present and future, or expand to become one with all energies. You might feel small and insignificantly young when you look at the stars, yet the Mind and Body are made of the same basic elements – Energy. Looking at the stars is a mere reflection of what is going on within each atom and cell of your being. Your Spirit Self is ever expanding, yet ageless and eternal. Thus, the Spirit Self is not new or old; both are simultaneous.
Your Spirit Self is neither small or big nor new or old. You may experience life as good or bad, right or wrong, happy or sad; however, this is the experience of the Ego Mind in the linear world of dualities, not the truth of your spirit nature. Your Spirit Self has Infinite Existence, Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Bliss and ever expanding.
By going within to touch the eternal and changeless energy at your core, you can go beyond the contrasting metaphors to the experience of oneness. In that connection you can know big and small, new and old, movement and stillness. There is a great truth – life is an adventure in a paradoxical existence. You are a Spiritual being having a human experience. Simultaneously, you are a human being having a Spiritual experience. By accepting the paradox of life, you open yourself to the fullness of your whole being –Who you truly are.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.