Managing Life’s Maze With Ease

Everything you think, feel, say, do and experience are opportunities to learn more about who you truly are and about the universe’s power to provide you with what you need when you need it.

Remember the puzzle maze? A puzzle maze – some are more complicated than others – provides an opportunity to exercise your creative and problem solving skills. Do you know the easiest way to solve the puzzle maze? Did you know that if you started at the end of the maze and trace backwards to the beginning; it is easier to solve the puzzle?

When you start at the end first for everything you do; it would be easier to find your way. How can you start at the end? You might ask. When you start at the end first, you already know where you want to end up and it is a lot easier to find your way. Knowing where you want to end up makes it a whole lot easier to find your way.

With this poignant information, ask yourself these questions:

• Where do I want to end up?
• What do I want to accomplish – short and long term?
• Where do I want to be in relationship with the important people in my life, with the earth, myself, my creative capacity?
• What legacy do I want to be remembered for?
• Where do I want to end up when I put my head on the pillow for the last time?

Pause now. Ponder where you want to end up in the important aspects of your life. When you know where you want to end up, it is a lot easier to find your way.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.