Plant Only Good Seeds
Thoughts and spoken words are like planting seeds. The axiom, ‘You reap what you sow,’ refers to a quote in the New Testament, in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. The specific quote in the King James Version is, ‘Whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap.’
The Hindu whole of karma is intrinsically linked to the, ‘You reap what you sow,’ metaphor. Reincarnation holds the opportunity for the soul to continue to improve emotionally, spiritually, and to resolve any actions that have repercussions from previous incarnations.
This poignant statement is a reminder to seek our highest and fullest expression of bringing forth our highest and best thinking. Form a higher and best conception of good. Notice only what is wrong when you will change it. When you notice something missing or something that needs to be changed, when you condemn or criticize it in a destructive manner, it becomes energetically hooked to you. Think or speak only that which you prefer to reap.
Seek to bring out the good in yourself. Bring out the good in each situation, evolve with it and hold an image of it in its ideal state. The Universal Laws follow the natural course of bringing forth only that which is good.
When you focus on bringing out the ‘good’ more ‘good’ springs forth. Remember the good you know, thought seeds are like physical seeds – What you plant in thoughts and spoken words grows into being.
Remember to think and speak only that which you want to reap.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you deisre. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.