Questions To Ask On Date One – Three To Discover: Are You A Strong Potential Relationship?
Dating has been awkward since the beginning of human existence. This awkwardness seems only to become more difficult. Thus, many cultures continue to rely on arranged marriage or broadly speaking, a trusted Match Maker.
In the majority of cultures dating is a socially acceptable form of stranger danger. You meet someone through singles websites, a ‘recommendation from a friend, I’ve “heard good things about” to make small talk with a totally random person for a couple hours hoping to prove you are an amazing, sane and charming person. Possibly even the complete package. Once completed, they definitely want to date you, right? If only it were that easy, if it was relationship disappointment would be non-existent and you wouldn’t be reading this article.
Provided below are questions and conversation ideas and thought provoking questions to aid you in your quest of love and making your dates believe you are truly the amazing, sane and charming person you claim to be. Now get out there, and find somebody to love and who loves you!
- What Are your views on relationships?
- How many sibling(s) do you have?
- Are you a morning person or a night owl?
- Are you seeking a long-term relationship?
- What are you seeking in a relationship?
- What is the longest relationship you’ve had?
- What prompted the ending–you or him/her?
- What do your parents do for a living?
- Do you have a close relationship with siblings/parents? Why/Why not?
- What is your philosophy about money?
- What Are your short-term goals in life?
- What Are your long-term goals in life?
- What quality is your automatic “no way” when pursuing a potential relationship?
- What is your favorite sport to watch or play?
- What are your hobbies/activities?
- From all we have talked about,What Do You Think About Me?
- How Do You Feel About Me? Note: Avoid confusing this question with what do you “think” about me—”think” and “feel” are two different phenomenon. If he gives you a ‘thinking’ answer, you can repeat the question—Such as: I am curious in your heart of hearts what do you feel about me.
As the questioner you need to answer the same questions as an addendum to his answer or volunteer information.
Furthermore, ask him if he has questions. Be sure to be relaxed and matter-of-fact. These questions can be blended in with the conversation. For example: He tells you he has a brother and sister. It is certainly easy to ask, Are you close to them?
Listen carefully to his answers:
- Note his body language—for any uncomfortable reaction or possible deception.
- Note his tone of voice. Does his voice seem stressed, tinged with anger or resentment?
- Does he seem reluctant to answer questions about family?
- Are his words, body language and tone of voice congruent?
- Listen carefully in subsequent conversations to discern if he contradicts the answers to these questions. If you note a discrepancy do not assume you misunderstood or forgot. Ask him to clarify….I thought you said ____about that, please clarify. Again, it is critical to note his body language—for any uncomfortable reaction or possible deception. Note his tone of voice. Does his voice seem stressed, tinged with anger or resentment? Does he seem reluctant to answer questions about family? If he becomes defensive or accusatory those are huge red flags, RUN, do not see him or second guess yourself.
Armed with these questions and subsequent questions you will avoid giving your heart to someone who is incapable of being in a healthy relationship.
About Dr. Dorothy:
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D Metaphysican and International Best Selling Author is a recognized authority on bridging Science and Human Potential. Dr.Dorothy provides a Deep Healing protocol to discover and heal the root cause for issues and diagnoses. Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Deep Healing Transformation combines creating health while healing past mental, emotional, physical and sexual wounds.
She offers a 20-minute FREE phone, Skype or Google Hangout conversation to answer questions and discuss how healing is possible. As a speaker, author, and trainer, Dr Dorothy works with Individuals, Business Executives and Entrepreneurs to instill an internal foundation of empowerment and upgrade their people skills (communication, problem solving, decision making, negotiation, etc), performance, and quality of life.