Reclaim Your Happy and Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit
Happy New Year! This is your happy and healthy Mind, Body and Spirit speaking to you.
Pssst – I am just around the corner waiting for you to reclaim me.
Pssst – I invite you to reclaim yourself.
Pssst – You are your already brilliant you, feeling your best!
Pssst – I invite you to take a bold and brave step to reclaim who you truly are.
Pssst – I invite you to put your intention, your wisdom, and your truth into action. You are the only one who can reclaim who you truly are.
Even though you might think it is impossible or that you have no clue, who, you truly are, YOU know. You have that sense, that intuitive knowing or you hear the whispers. You are simply resisting acknowledging yourself, because you are afraid you might be wrong or fail. Who you truly are is waiting for you to reclaim yourself.
I am holding the space for you to emerge.
I invite you to live, thrive and give yourself your ALL. You can do it. Just do it.
Do not allow another year to pass when your desires and dreams just sit there waiting because you are too tired or afraid to ‘go for it.’
I am here only to be truly helpful. I know this year can be your best year ever. However, only you can create it. I can offer you insight, guidance and tools to design and take action to live your dreams and desires.
Only you can create it…allow me to assist you in creating your vision for a New Year. There is no shame in having assistance to create your dreams and desires. Every successful person has a mentor, coach or professional guidance–for some careers it is mandatory to have a mentor and coach.
I’d love to support you as you dream your New Year into reality. I already know that this can be your best year EVER, but only if you take the time to dream it, design it, and take action to live it.
Will you join me in creating your vision for your New Year? You will be ahead of the curve and create a year you truly LOVE living.
My gift to you is a $70 savings for 3 1/2 hours of consultation. You pay only $350.00. Can you afford to let another year go by achieving less than you desire and deserve?
P.S. I offer a 15 minute no obligation FREE consultation to answer your questions regarding the process.
P.P.S. Offer good until April 1st. Procrastination is a sign you are in need of support.
P.P.P.S. I am sending you love and light for your decision to take action! ###
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Speaker and Author, “101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life.” Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s daily thoughts and feelings.