Silence – Discover The Hidden Meaning of Words

Silence – Discover The Hidden Meaning of Words

The Native American way of speaking has two distinct differences from language derived from Latin and Greek. Native Americans breathe the sound of the syllables; instead of chewing the sound and spitting them out. The other distinct difference is leaving a few seconds of silence after each sentence. Native Americans believe the silence is more informative than the words. Unless one allows silence, one would never have the full meaning of the words.

Having grown up among Native Americans; I notice the profound contrast.  I was confronted with the biggest contrast when I moved toNew York. It was there that I learned to speak fast and never leave any silence between sentences or I would not have the opportunity to say more than one sentence. As a public speaker, I revert to the Native American style. Many people comment on the rapt attention this style engenders.

You can adopt this style. As you go through the day, listen into the silence. You will hear ideas, think ideas and speak your ideas as you work through the many aspects of what this day is about. Create some spaces between the ideas and allow the silence to speak to you about what you experience.

When you adopt this style, you will find that you are a part of something that already is a miracle, waiting for your discovery. You can have a wondrous day discovering the gift of your silence into a deeper level of meaning. ###

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey.