Strength and Courage – How Powerful Is Yours?

Strength and courage – How Powerful Is Yours?

What is holding you back from realizing your dreams? What seems to get in the way to accomplish what you desire?

You might believe that what is preventing you from accomplishing your desires is a combination of issues – time, skills, finances, etc. Iron clad and plausible excuses are in plentiful supply – The ‘If only…’ or ‘What if…’ syndromes come into play. Yet, you need to break through the road blocks piece by piece, and it all starts with a thought and willingness to do so.

Irving Berlin stated, ‘If only for today, I am not afraid.’  You do not need to be brave for an entire day ahead. Ask yourself, “If only for this moment, I am not afraid – What could I accomplish? What would I do? What one thing could I step out of my comfort zone to do? ”

Being afraid saps your energy, enthusiasm and creativity. It causes you to miss out on things you want to do—‘If only you weren’t afraid.’  This moment you can tell yourself, ‘All I need to do is to be unafraid for one minute.’ In that one minute you can feel the wave of courage rush through your mind. The next moment take a deep breath and repeat the thought – ‘All I need to do is to be unafraid for one minute.’  The next moment while thinking the thought – ‘All I need to do is to be unafraid for one minute,’ simply do one thing that is a step toward your desired goal.

As you practice this process you are building your strength to foster more courage to be unafraid a.k.a. brave. Your attitude controls your life. Attitudes are the secret power working every minute for positive or negative outcomes. Everything hinges on your attitude. You are ambitious or lazy, cynical or enthusiastic, dependable or undependable based on your attitude. You have success or failure – according to your attitude. Being discouraged is an attitude. Being enthusiastic is an attitude. Lack of perseverance is an attitude. Failure to achieve your desires is an attitude.

It is critical that you know how to harness and control this great force from a self-defeating attitude to a self-enhancing successful attitude. Practicing a new ‘attitude,’ belief and behavior is the key to shift what you create and experience. Francesca Reigler eloquently stated, “Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”

I wish you well on your journey

Thus, if the work is the same whether you are unhappy or happy, what will you choose?  You have the choice every minute what your attitude will possess. You can choose happiness from minute to minute. Transforming your past is possible, yet, you cannot change the fact that people will act in certain ways. You cannot change many things, however, you can change how to play on the one string you have, and that is your attitude.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.