Forget New Year’s Resolutions – Make A Decision – Make A Commitment

Your answers lie inside you, but, you need to go within to find them. Most people look outside themselves for the answer, or to find love, or peace of mind, but the key is to go within. Self Awareness along with self-confidence is the key to creating your abundance, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind.

Create Your Desires – Align With The Universe’s Energy

When you use the radio as a metaphor for sending and receiving information, you can tune into any station you choose. Thus, you will experience a dramatic shift in the programming and your experience. When you are misaligned with the energy frequency of your desires it creates energy instability and you are working against Universal Laws, which make your success difficult, if not impossible.

Are Feelings and Emotions The Same Or Different?

The terms ‘Feelings’ and ‘Emotions’ are often used interchangeably. However, they are as different as night and day. Emotions are the feelings that were never processed, so as to let go and move on. These stuffed/stored feelings are then triggered or your buttons are pushed; thus, you experience an emotional hook to a past experience that is re-experienced – similar to an instant replay.

The button pushing accompanied by an emotional re-action, act one – scene two, act four hundred -scene one thousand or act one thousand – scene two thousand…you get the point. When that right or wrong situation rears its ugly head, you automatically go into the defense mode and prove your Self right. Or in the extreme emotional state of the conflict you will acquiesce and make your Self wrong about something or another – and play martyr.

Elizabeth Edwards Didn’t Have To Die of Breast Cancer

Allopathic medical treatments approach cancer as if it were an invading enemy to be fought against, vanquished and conquered. Over the last 60 years, hundreds of billions of dollars and enormous amounts of medical and scientific research has gone into finding more and more ways to ‘fight’ cancer. Yet, cancer continues to cause one in four deaths in the United States. CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2009; 59:225-249 doi: 10.3322/caac.20006 © 2009 American Cancer Society