Breast Health – Prevention: The Answer To Cancer

To prevent anything – one needs to understand how it is created. We live in a three-dimensional world made up of Universal Laws. Universal Laws are founded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including humans, and that energy moves in a circular fashion.

“We cannot create solutions to problems with the same consciousness that created them.”–Einstein.

“Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”–Einstein.

Consciousness Shift

Humans are a collection of consciousness through one’s individual time continuum. As an individual collective consciousness, you are a part of the collective. As you shift individually, the collective consciousness shifts. This shift is occurring simultaneously and continuously. Because critical mass is part of the equation, collective consciousness shifts move slower or faster depending on the size of the critical mass.

Know-It-All Syndrome

Many people, who have a ‘know-it-all,’ persona; whether a Webster definition, or who pretends to know more than anyone else; have one personality trait in common, narcissism. Hidden behind the need to let the world know exactly how smart, funny, interesting or great she/he is, is the need to convince him/herself of their value. All know-it-alls suffer from a lack of self-confidence, and what they seek, through their tireless efforts to impress, is usually the need for approval and validation.

Guest Blog: Evidence for the Existence of a Hypnotic State?

A multidisciplinary group of researchers from Finland (University of Turku and Aalto University) and Sweden (University of Skövde) has found that the strange stare of patients under hypnosis may be a key that can eventually lead to a solution to a long debate about the existence of a hypnotic state.