January 4, 2011 – World Hypnotism Day – Hypnosis Works – Smoke Cessation, Weight Loss, Habit Control – Guaranteed

January 4 – U.S. – Federal Government Gives 100% Tax Credit for Smoke Cessation and Weight Loss. Whether you want to lose weight, quit smoking or improve your finances, the federal government offers lots of help with New Year’s resolutions through different tax credits.

“You Will Have A Big Impact In People’s Lives”

Little did I know when I was seven-years-old, as I stood barefoot in the driveway of my parent’s cattle ranch watching them drive away to take my beloved aunt to the state mental hospital; I heard the words, “Some day you will have a big impact in people’s lives,” that I would be working with people in their healing process – albeit, I have my shoes on. Many messages guided me through the turbulence and vicissitudes of life. And through it all I made a big impact in people’s lives as you have.