Make This Year Your Best Year Ever

Emotional and Spiritual Healing (ESH) is direct, focused and combines creating the future while healing the past. It is exactly, powerful, virtually painless and an accurate way of changing the landscape of your inner and outer life. ESH allows you to access your past, present and future – as well as your subconscious, and clear negative energy on all levels of your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Fibromyalgia – Healing Is Possible

The solution to all of this is to get back into your natural state of vibrant health… by “cleansing” yourself from the inside, physically, mentally and spiritually allowing your body to rest and heal itself by stopping once and for all the incessant attacks on your inner terrain. Meditation, exercising such as: walking, ti chi, gentle calisthenics, hot tub/sauna, swimming, other relaxing and self-nurturing activities will hasten your recovery and enhance your life long-term.

For every disease, your immune system needs to ward off; it immediately starts fighting it. Your body can restore every wound, diseased organ or damaged cell that comes its way–but it cannot do that if you keep polluting it with toxic fuel, toxic thinking and toxic lifestyle.