Power Struggles: Eliminate Them

No matter what your age, from the ‘terrible two’s to the stressful forties’ (often referred to as a mid-life crises) everyone desires to be treated as competent and capable, recognized for their strengths and good intentions, rather than shortcomings, foibles and mistakes. Everyone values his/her thoughts, feelings and needs to be respected and included in the decision making process for the issues that directly involve and impact them. In short, everyone values autonomy and wants to express him/herself and be in command of his/her life.

The ‘terrible two’s’ label was coined because a child begins

Setting The Record Straight – Male Sexual Child Abuse

It is tragic to note that, although Oprah, herself, a sexual abuse survivor, put forth a plethora of misinformation within the interviews with both a professional and the survivors themselves. Dr. Howard Fradkin, who believes men’s sexual identity is unaffected by sexual abuse, is a tragic and unfortunate statement. There is a wealth of research confirming that sexual child abuse impacts both boys’ and girls’ sexual identity and sexual comfortableness.