Law Of Attraction – Be In Energetic Harmony

The Law of Attraction says you can have anything you are willing to become. You live in a world that operates by Universal Laws. As such, humans have a magnetic radius to the energy that they hold. When you desire to bring something into your life or experience a new result, the place to begin is within yourself. You can have anything you are willing to become; i.e. hold the energy.

What is 2012 Prophecy About?

Have you heard the talk about the world coming to an end in December 2012? Could it be that the idea of the world coming to an end was set to bring humans to a heightened level of awareness – thus the end of an era and the beginning of a new era? The idea of 2012 as the end of the world might be the Universe’s plan to give humans a wake up call, thus bringing humans into an enlightened era.