Guest Blog – What’s going on? The cancer is melting away!

“Terminal” lung cancer melted away naturally: The doctor gave no hope to 80-year-old Beulah from South Carolina. He said, “We have no treatment for you. You have six months to live.” During a follow-up exam two months later, the doctor asked, “What’s going on” The cancer is melting away!” Another doctor compared her before-and-after X-rays and said, “This can’t be the same woman. There’s no cancer here!”

Elizabeth Edwards Didn’t Have To Die of Breast Cancer

Allopathic medical treatments approach cancer as if it were an invading enemy to be fought against, vanquished and conquered. Over the last 60 years, hundreds of billions of dollars and enormous amounts of medical and scientific research has gone into finding more and more ways to ‘fight’ cancer. Yet, cancer continues to cause one in four deaths in the United States. CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2009; 59:225-249 doi: 10.3322/caac.20006 © 2009 American Cancer Society

It’s Not About ‘The Fight’ – Healing the Cause of Cancer Is The Answer

Would it be OK if I told you there is a better way to eliminate cancer than cancer-fighting therapies and surgery medical research has developed? ‘Fighting’ cancer with chemotherapy, radiation or removing body parts is counter to the body’s natural self-healing process.