TIP: Six Tips To Create A New Paradigm
If the answer to each question is unequivocally, ‘Yes,’ you can be confident that you will be successful in stepping into a new paradigm. If the answer to one of these questions is ambivalence, hesitation, confusion or lack of enthusiasm, then you need to discover the underlying cause. When you discover the cause you will be one step closer to your desired paradigm.
If you answered unequivocally, ‘Yes,’ you have accomplished half the process of creating a new paradigm.
The following tips will ensure your ability to step into the paradigm you desire.
- Debunk old assumptions and adopt new approaches to problem solving, instead of doing what you have done.
- Actively seek new opportunities, instead of managing those you routinely have.
- Risk the possibility of being exposed and/or vulnerable, instead of protecting your pride and power.
- Ask for you what you desire, instead of what you think others want to give you.
- ‘March to your own drummer’ and ‘Toot your own horn’ to ensure others know what you are capable of, instead o hoping your efforts will be noticed.
- Speak your truth, instead of biting your lip, because, you might ruffle feathers or subject yourself to criticism.
Pause now. Imagine in great detail the new paradigm you desire.
Next, take the first step-debunk the old assumptions (negative thoughts)-i.e. ‘It is difficult.’ ‘What if… ?’ ‘If only… ‘ ‘I can’t because… ‘ add the negative thoughts you usually put forth. If you have difficulty debunking your old assumptions, there is no shame or guilt in seeking professional help to eliminate negative and limiting beliefs.
When you manage each step without adding negative thoughts to the equation, you will reach your goal more quickly than you thought. Enjoy the journey.