Vital Nutrition For Children
According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 80% of children do not eat the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables. This is no surprise. According to the CDCP only 14% of adults eat the daily recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. Parents have the fiduciary responsibility to maintain a healthy food plan for the family. Parents step up and do what is right for your child and yourself. It is easier than you think.
Many experts concur that besides iron and calcium, additional nutrients commonly missing from children’s food plan include vitamins A, B, C, and E as well as the minerals: zinc, chromium, selenium and potassium. Studies reveal that children with the best nutritional support do better on IQ tests as well as behaviorally than children with inferior nutrition food plans.
Studies also reveal that 15 to 19% of girls and 52% of boys do not receive enough calcium from their food plan. About 25% of American teens are deficient in vitamin D that facilitates calcium absorption; yet, 90% of bone mass is laid down by age 17.
Children age 2 – 6 need three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily.
Children age 7 – adults need four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit daily.
Active teen boys and adult men need five servings of vegetables and four servings of fruit daily.
What counts as a serving? Use the following guidelines:
Vegetable Group:
• 1 cup raw leafy vegetables
• ½ cup other vegetables cooked or raw
• ¾ cup vegetable juice
Fruit Group:
• 1 medium apple, orange, pear, banana
• ½ cup chopped, cooked or canned fruit (non-fructose syrup)
• ¾ cup fruit juice
What to do? In view of inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption and nutritionally inadequate fruits and vegetables, children need multivitamins. Pharmaceutical multivitamins are sugar laden and artificially colored synthetic ingredients with little nutritional value. The best multivitamins are European tradition of delicious nutritious liquid vitamins and minerals from organic plants, fruits and vegetables.
Given the use of GMO (Genetically modified organisms) and pesticides used on produce in the U.S., than ever before, organic fruits and vegetables are mandatory. Multivitamins need to include carrots, fiber, rose hips, watercress, horsetail, nettle and spinach, which are rich in carotenes and minerals. Mild digestive herbs, such as: chamomile and peppermint is recommended to support healthy digestion and appetite. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and vitamin D for bone health is necessary. Orange juice, orange peel and pear juice for bioflavonoids that aid in vision and immune health. A small amount of honey or maple syrup can be used for sweetness. Multivitamins need to include vitamins A, B, C D, E. Vitamin A is critical for immune health mucous membrane function, the first line of defense against infection.
There is no better health insurance for children and adults than a natural organic food plan, multiple vitamins and minerals. Sometimes, it is difficult to entice children to consume natural food products because they are not as intensely flavored or visually exciting as the synthetically sweetened and colored variety. Not to mention pharmaceutical companies blast commercials every twenty minutes on TV programs children are ‘allowed’ to watch. Thus, the indoctrination to eat the chewable sweet synthetic vitamins is ever present. However, as the manager of your child’s life and health, you need to set the boundary and keep it. There are many healthy natural vitamins without the sugar that children like. Do the research and set the stage for your child’s healthy food and vitamin plan.
In addition to your child having better health; visits to the doctor and the inherent expense will decrease. Healthy nutrition in childhood is a life long win/win.
Bon appetite.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings.