What State Is Your Life In?
Many people have settled into a state of resignation about themselves and their lives. They have learned how to ignore, escape, or run away from their inner emptiness. With a sigh of defeat they have surrendered to the forces of inertia and the escapism they have created in their lives.
You may be unhappy with the state of affairs – body, career, relationship(s), finances, etc. yet, you do nothing about it. You simply have settled into mediocrity and learned to live with it. That is a sad commentary – you deserve more than that. You deserve better than that.
You can overcome inertia and renew your motivated mind-set. You need to learn to develop a consistent state of dissatisfaction about what you have created so far. Avoid confusing dissatisfaction with what you have created and hating your Self or belittling your Self. This is not about fault finding, blame fixing and self-recrimination. This is about you deciding to achieve for your Self what you declare you desire, but you have heretofore not created.
You may wonder why you need to achieve what you declare you desire. Or wondering what is wrong with feeling dissatisfied about your current circumstances and not doing anything about it? If you are truly happy with your life the way it is, then, stop feeling dissatisfied. When you feel dissatisfied and do nothing about it; that is putting your Self in a double bind. That robs you of your peace of mind. However, if you have the slightest yearning for better circumstances, you owe it to your Self not to settle for less.
Even if you are happy in your life right now, you might want to take these words to heart because there is opportunity for improvement. There is room for more love, more joy, more money, more happiness; and more fulfillment in your life. It is unimportant how much you have accomplished in your life thus far; what obstacles you have overcome; what fires you have walked through to become who you are. You are still at the beginning of your infinite journey. There is much more to accomplish.
Take a moment and ponder that profound comment – there is much more to accomplish. No matter how old you are, or what point you are starting from; there is much more to accomplish. You can decide to create something so astounding, magnificent or magical that it will blow you away. And the good news is; it will be easier than you think.
Right now, review the various areas of your life. Look within; see the person for who you truly are. Yes, who you truly are deep inside. Are you truly satisfied living at the level you are living? I know you will hesitate to say. However, I know you crave more. I know you feel bad that you have procrastinated on creating more. Yet, you hold your Self back. It is time now, to simply make a decision to go for it. It is never too late to create the life you truly desire.
I know you want to create the shining potential lurking beneath the surface of your life. I know you want to let go of limiting thoughts and dare to create all that you desire for your Self. And you can. Once you create one thing, you will know that you can create beyond that; because all you need to do is to repeat the process to create a new desire.
You might be thinking that this sounds incredibly exhausting. Ah to the contrary—it is holding your Self back that is incredibly exhausting. When you are busy creating what your heart desires; you will be in the flow with the Universal Energy – you will have the wind at your back propelling you along.
Fulfilling your desires is easier than you think. Allow these suggestions to inspire you to create a life that you truly enjoy on a more profound level. Think about this: In order to enjoy the journey, you need to BE on a journey. Limiting your Self and therefore, your life, is not a journey; it is a holding pattern.
It is your choice – Living your life in a holding pattern or continuously creating your desires. ##
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s thoughts and feelings. https://drdorothy.net http://facebook.com/DrDorothyNed