You Can Create The Healthy Life You Deserve

You can create the healthy life you deserve. Become one of the many who have. It is easier than you think.

  • Are you taking prescription and OTC drugs with little improvement?

Would it be OK if I told you that you can be prescription and OTC drug free?

  • Is your life emotionally and/or physically painful and difficult?

Would it be OK if I told you that you can have peace of mind; struggle free and pain free?

  • Are you at your wits end because there seems to be no solution?

Would it be OK if I told you that you can have peace of mind: Every issue has a solution?

  • Are you overweight? Are you on a yo-yo diet?                                                                                                                   

Would it be OK if I told you that you can create wellness and transform your body and have peace of mind?

  • Do you numb or “calm yourself down” with smoking and/or alcohol?

Would it be OK if I told you that you can discover the core issue–root cause that prompts you to smoke and/or use alcohol?

  • Are you experiencing  Anxiety, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, Lupus, MS, TMJ, Sleep Apnea?

Would it be OK if I told you that all symptoms have a solution and you can have health, wellness and peace of mind?

Would it be OK if I told you that whatever your symptoms or diagnoses are;   there is a solution – a natural mind, body, spirit process to transform the cause of your pain, not treating the symptoms or masking it. NO prescriptions, OTC drugs or body parts removed.

When someone comes to work with me, I ask, “Where are you and where do you want to be?  What is the pain? When did it start? What do you think blocks your flow? What do you think you need to master to reach your goals or to feel wellness?

People have an idea what is causing the pain or stopping them, but that is seldom what actually is causing the pain or stopping the flow. The metaphor, ‘You can’t see the forest for the trees,’ applies.

The majority of people are simply getting by without clearing the emotional pain or blocks that keep them from reaching their full potential and wellness.  When the emotional pain and/or blocks are identified, we craft solutions based on each person’s needs, goals, and willingness to have wellness.

The work is done on the soul level – the root cause.  There is often a little diffused voice in the background giving messages. The most frequent messages are:  unworthiness, shame, guilt, not good enough, what’s wrong with me or messages of futility. These messages are seldom only in this lifetime, however, one does not need to believe in Past Lives to resolve or release the emotional pain and/or  block. ###

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She facilitates Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression. She was a World Regression Congress faculty member in the Netherlands, India, Brazil and Turkey.