Your Beliefs Drive Your Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior
Your Beliefs Drive Your Thoughts, Feelings And Behavior
You might notice sometimes that you are moving through life in a defensive mode. As you interact with others, their actions or remarks could prompt you to become aggressive. Simple conversations might lead to hurt feelings if your passion for your opinions leads you to defend your ideas vigorously.
You can minimize the impact of your sensitivity by remembering that your reactions might be caused by an over abundance of emotion from other sources. Before you lash out at someone over a difference of opinion, ask yourself if your position is logical and whether your level of emotion is warranted. If you allow yourself, you could easily get caught up in the heat of the moment. Maintaining a calm hold on your feelings will help you avoid creating an atmosphere of confrontation or having a conversation that goes awry.
When you have strong emotions, examining them can help you determine whether your reactions are based on rational thoughts is beneficial for all concerned. Emotional arousal is often indicative of emotions rather than rational thinking.
What you believe to be true can touch your soul, but it is important to remember how your beliefs can automatically drive your behavior. Your thoughts about a subject can strongly influence your feelings, and it can be highly tempting to act on those thoughts and feelings as they arise.
Knowing the origin of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behavior, however, gives you the empowerment to evaluate whether your initial response will serve you or if it is better for you to step back and assess the facts. Exploring the root cause of your impulses will help you recognize whether you are being responsive or reactive with others.