Your Inner Being – Connect More Frequently Without Meditating
We aptly call ourselves, Human Beings. However, more often than not, we only focus on ‘doing.’ As we move more and more into a technology driven existence, we seem to be busier, albeit, we are accomplishing less, communicating less, connecting less, knowing each other less. Do you recognize the pattern? Are you sensing the pattern in your life?
Many people are fully caught up in all the latest and greatest gadgets – Blackberry, iPad, iPod, iPhone, and the list goes on. While these gadgets provide conveniences they are a major distraction to what is most important and are only pseudo connectedness.
This phenomenon reminds me that in between all the busyness, like between every breath, is a slice of silence. There is a slice of silence that you can use to connect to yourself. Likewise, between thoughts there is a fraction of a second of silence.
Being fully connected to oneself is the first step to being aware and having the ability to fully connect with others. While you might think your connections with people are at a high level, you need to verify that with those whom you think you are closest to. You might discover they do not hold the same sense of your relationship with them.
Thus, there is that which you are doing, and in the midst of that, there is a place in you that is complete nothingness, a complete fraction of a second of silence, complete oneness. All you need to do is remember to connect with it. Those, who know me well, know that I take that brief fraction of a second to connect to myself and my universe.
Pause in this fraction of a second in the midst of this article, your ‘To Do,’ list or all the other myriad of activities and remember this:
There is a part of you that is your ‘being’ and as you go through your doing, you need to increase your frequency of connecting to your inner being. Connecting to your inner being is connecting to your universe – the Source. When you connect to your inner being you will notice you sense more empowerment, clarity and feeling grounded to all that is. Thus, you are able to navigate more effectively in the linear world.
You will need to mindfully practice it. Set your intent and observe yourself, notice that fraction of a second between breaths to connect to your inner being.
Enjoy the connectedness and silence.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician – Certified Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing baggage, fears and limiting beliefs. Then, you can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one’s daily thoughts and feelings.