Power Struggles: Eliminate Them

No matter what your age, from the ‘terrible two’s to the stressful forties’ (often referred to as a mid-life crises) everyone desires to be treated as competent and capable, recognized for their strengths and good intentions, rather than shortcomings, foibles and mistakes. Everyone values his/her thoughts, feelings and needs to be respected and included in the decision making process for the issues that directly involve and impact them. In short, everyone values autonomy and wants to express him/herself and be in command of his/her life.

The ‘terrible two’s’ label was coined because a child begins

ACTION ALERT – Help Protect Children From Physical Abuse


Call or email these Reps today and ask them to vote for Rep. Alma Allen’s HB 359 which will be voted on Friday, May 6 on the House floor.

HB 359 will abolish corporal punishment in Texas schools but allow parents to opt-in for their children. It is a big step forward for Texas and will virtually eliminate school padding.

Vital Nutrition For Children

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 80% of children do not eat the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables. This is no surprise. According to the CDCP only 14% of adults eat the daily recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. Parents have the fiduciary responsibility to maintain a healthy food plan for the family. Parents step up and do what is right for your child and yourself. It is easier than you think.