Open Letter – Governor Rick Perry

Medical science has long recognized and documented in great detail how being struck on the buttocks can stimulate sexual feelings. Children are especially susceptible. The tragic consequence for many children who have been punished by paddling or spanking is that they form a connection between pain, humiliation and sexual arousal that endures for the rest of their lives.

Are Your Beliefs About Abundance Blocking Your Spiritual Rights?

The pious and maybe even self-righteous perspective that one cannot obtain enlightenment and have abundance simultaneously continues to entangle spiritual seekers world wide. It is perplexing when one considers this toxic idea that if a person is spiritual they cannot also be prosperous. How exactly does one obtain spiritual enlightenment without overcoming limited thinking that binds and diminishes? The belief that enlightenment and abundance are polar opposites binds and diminishes.

Does Your Life Seem Like A Car Stuck In Traffic?

There are many ways the syndrome of being stuck in life is expressed. “My life seems in a rut, if I knew what to do I would do it.” “I am not sure what I want.” “I have done everything I can think of and nothing worked–same old, same old.” “How can I move past the ‘overwhelm’ and create what I want?”

These laments, regardless of the format, are unconscious limiting beliefs being expressed without connecting the dots of cause and effect. These laments are unnecessary, once you know how easy it is to make the right shift. Decide what you want (goal); take a risk and put your ideas into action. Put another way, launching your life is like driving a car. If you are stopped in a traffic lane watching the cars whiz by in the next lane you might think it is intimidating.