Guest Blog: 8,000 New Instances of Child Sexual Abuse Alleged in Milwaukee Archdiocese

The bankruptcy hearings for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee have revealed more than 8,000 previously unreported instances of alleged sexual abuse of children, according to one attorney representing the victims. The charges cover a span of 60 years and implicate a group of 100 alleged offenders, including nuns, church workers and some 75 priests.

Guest Blog – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Child Abuse Costs U.S. $124 Billion

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta found in a report published in the journal Child Abuse and Neglect that children who survive neglect, physical abuse, psychological abuse or sexual abuse cost the country an estimated $210,012 during their lifetimes, according to a release.

Guest Blog: Spanking No Help in Child-Rearing

An analysis of research conducted since the 1990 adoption of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child suggests that no studies have found positive consequences of physical punishment, according to Joan Durrant, PhD, of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, and Ron Ensom, MSW, of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa.

Guest Blog: Corporal Punishment of Schoolchildren: Two Opposing Positions

You cite the problem of student-on-student violence. I agree. That’s a serious problem wherever it occurs: California, Georgia, anywhere. If we are to effectively deal with it, we should start with the root causes. Inevitably, children behave as well (or as badly) as they are treated. If we want them to learn to resolve their differences nonviolently, we as adults must model that behavior.