Have You Ever Wondered If You Were Sexually Abused?

What To Do: A multifaceted healing—mind, body, spirit process specifically focused on mental, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse and diligent work is the most effective process; wherein the survivor can replenish her/his mental, emotional, physical, spiritual identity and empowerment. The symptoms which are diagnosed as disease, genetic or a disorder is the psyche’s message system that something is awry and needs to be addressed at the root cause….the mental, emotional, physical and/or sexual trauma. 

Does This Sound Familiar?

Loneliness, fear of abandonment, impulsive self-destructiveness, storminess in relationships, inability to achieve intimacy—these are feelings that we all experience at one time or another. However, for some people, who were emotionally, mentally and/or physically or sexually traumatized in childhood, live with these feelings almost constantly and experience them to a much higher degree.

Corporal Punishment: Creates Broken Children and Broken Adults

Worldwide research shows that corporal punishment absolutely serves no useful purpose whatsoever, but, causes untold damage to the individual, and creates broken children, broken adults, physical and mental wrecks, violent abusive, aggressive revengeful adults, wife-beaters and all that adds up to an appalling society that nobody wants.

More Than Five Children Die As A Result of Child Abuse Every Day In the U.S

If a disease killed or maimed as many children as abuse does; the AMA would declare a pandemic; Pharmaceutical companies would be awarded billions of dollars to develop a vaccine or pill to numb the pain or body parts are cut out—and it is a well-known fact—vaccines, pills and cutting out body parts cures nothing.