Is being thoughtful with clients an undervalued and dying art?

Is being thoughtful with clients an undervalued and dying art? According to Lynne Mackay, whose image business (Mackay Byrne Group) has been regularly reinvented and yet remained in demand over the past 30 years, “Now more and more people are realizing how important it is to be thoughtful with clients.”

Fail Your Way To Business Success….Really?

You create your reality. Harry Palmer said it best with: “You experience what you believe. If you don’t believe that you experience what you believe, then you don’t, which still means the first statement is true.” This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. Are you willing to do what it takes to claim and experience your success?

Corporal Punishment: Creates Broken Children and Broken Adults

Worldwide research shows that corporal punishment absolutely serves no useful purpose whatsoever, but, causes untold damage to the individual, and creates broken children, broken adults, physical and mental wrecks, violent abusive, aggressive revengeful adults, wife-beaters and all that adds up to an appalling society that nobody wants.