Are Your Beliefs About Abundance Blocking Your Spiritual Rights?

The pious and maybe even self-righteous perspective that one cannot obtain enlightenment and have abundance simultaneously continues to entangle spiritual seekers world wide. It is perplexing when one considers this toxic idea that if a person is spiritual they cannot also be prosperous. How exactly does one obtain spiritual enlightenment without overcoming limited thinking that binds and diminishes? The belief that enlightenment and abundance are polar opposites binds and diminishes.

EDITORIAL – Corporal punishment is unethical

Once again, a case of corporal punishment has become news in the media even though this form of punishment has been banned by the government following a ruling of the High Court in January this year. This time, an administrative officer has beaten a student of an English medium school in the city. This form of punishment, which is a violation of human rights, is an impediment to achieving real education.

Happiness: Create It

I pondered how many people stop to contemplate the things they do to create happiness. It is important to know what you do to create your happiness so that you can tap into it when the going gets tough or things go awry.

Abraham Lincoln stated, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” How happy will you make up your mind to be? What will you do to create happiness? The following tips will set the stage to create happiness.