Ruling State – Positive or Negative?

Only one word can render the thought positive or negative. Are you using these words? the Law of Attraction holds the truth that what you focus on is what you draw into your life. What do you want to draw into your life – positive or negative results?
This article sets-forth words that are representative of the negative words most frequently used.

Your Inner Being – Connect More Frequently Without Meditating

We aptly call ourselves, Human Beings. However, more often than not, we only focus on ‘doing.’ As we move more and more into a technology driven existence, we seem to be busier, albeit, we are accomplishing less, communicating less, connecting less, knowing each other less. Do you recognize the pattern? Are you sensing the pattern in your life? This article discusses how to have more connectedness.

La Raison d’ être – The Reason To Be

What is my purpose?’ has become a common question for people, who, are seeking to improve their lives. The majority of people believe a ‘purpose’ is their greatest calling and is the only, ‘La raison d’ être’ – The reason to be. [The reason for existence]. While one’s purpose is a reason to be, everything one does needs to be done with purpose in mind.

Greatness Within

Western society focuses on managing life based on education, logic, scientifically proven ideals, and history. Thus, children are conditioned, indoctrinated and instructed to manage life from that which is prescribed by scientific ideology and history. The operative word, ‘…from without,’ establishes a mind-set of being ‘without.’ Living life from within establishes a mind-set of going within, connecting to the core of your Being, and from this place activating the power within to reach your potential and goals in every area of your life.