How to Create Prosperity Thinking

How To Create Prosperity Thinking

“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” —Mark Twain

Shifting your thoughts to a positive perspective may seem to be a modern idea. However, as Mark Twain’s quote illuminates, the fact that people make their own misery by what they dwell upon is an age-old fact.

Why Pay Attention to Your Thoughts:

According to the Stress Confidential Helpline, scans on peoples’ brains have indicated that the types of thoughts you have influence the balance of brain chemistry. When you think more positively you cause chemicals to be secreted that boost your psychological and physical health and wellness.

It’s well-documented that during a health crisis, those who remain hopeful and have a positive attitude tend to recover better.

Also, when you focus on the worst aspects of a situation that has transpired, you ensure that your experience of it will be the worst it could be. Fortunately, the reverse is true as well.

How To Change Your Thoughts:

Widely used techniques by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Ask and It Is Given, will inspire you to change your thoughts.

1. Observe Your Thoughts

You need to know what you are thinking in order to intervene. Sit in a comfortable position and notice your breath as it flows in and out. As thoughts arise, notice them, and then return your attention to your breathing. Do this for 15-20 minutes once or twice a day. Avoid passing judgment on your thoughts. It is what it IS. This might sound simple, however, pure awareness by itself, effects subtle changes that grow.

2. Observe Your Feelings

When you observe your thoughts something unhelpful, perhaps imagining not getting enough of what you desire and having to go without, it is helpful to acknowledge your fear and worry. Even if you magnify the issue, your fears are based on possibilities or events. They deserve your respect.

3. Soothe Yourself and Replace Your Thoughts with Something Positive

When you acknowledge your feelings, your thoughts will shift on their own. Saying something soothing to yourself; while creating positive thoughts or scenario will create an anchor for future positive thoughts. If you are unable to believe it, you won’t create a genuine impact. For example, you might recall your healthy savings account and remind yourself, “I’ll be fine for six months. Financial experts say that’s a good enough cushion.” Or “my friend went through this, and he/she got through it, I can do it too.” Notice the relief you feel.

4. Stay Focused, Stay Calm, Keep Going

Now intensify your better-feeling thoughts by creating a better positive thought. This short term challenge is just the challenge you need to catapult you to a whole new level of success!

You will notice in a short amount of time, your fear has transformed into hopeful excitement. When you practice this technique, you demonstrate to yourself that regardless of what transpires in your life, you are able to bounce back and thrive.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. Are you willing to do what it takes to claim your health and success?

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create health and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into what your health, desires, and success.

P.S. This is an investment in your health and success. Following the principles in this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your health and wealth.

P.P.S. I offer a 20 minute FREE no obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how health and success is possible.

P.P.P.S. You are worth it. You deserve to create your health and desired success. ###

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD provides a highly effective protocol to discover the root cause of all issues and diagnosed symptoms. Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Transformation (EPST) is direct, focused and combines creating health while healing the past. It is precise, powerful, virtually painless and an accurate way of changing the landscape of your inner and outer mind, body and spirit. EPST allows you to access your past, present and future – as well as your subconscious, and clear negative energy on all levels – Mind, Body an Spirit