Everything In Life Has A Price

You no doubt have heard the axiom, ‘Everything is a trade-off.’ We exchange one thing in return for another, i.e. relinquishing one benefit or advantage for another that is more desirable. Everything in life has a price and is up for the giving or receiving, if you are willing. Day after day you go up to life’s counter and barter for what you desire. ‘I will give you this, if you will give me that.’

It is the Law of Compensation that coupled with the Law of Cause and Effect being applied to blessings and abundances that creates a win – win exchange and needs to be followed implicitly. The visible effects of your deeds are given to you in money, job, gifts, inheritances, friendships and blessings.

Are You Using ‘Will Power’ or The Power of the Universe?

Have you rowed a boat up stream – i.e. against the current? Rowing up stream is doable, but, it takes considerably more effort. Just like rowing up stream, working without aligning with the Universe’s current, it is doable, but, takes considerably more effort. When you work with the current, i.e. with the energy flow of the Universal Laws it is easier than working on your own.

Create Harmony and Abundance

When you are in harmony with the Law of Giving, with the Laws of Life – there is good that makes itself available to you. This is the exciting news. Your thoughts, feelings, words and actions create the world around you. You have the power to create a world of peace, harmony and abundance. In order to accomplish it, it is essential that you learn to manage your thoughts and emotions. Understanding the Universal Laws is mandatory.

Law Of Attraction – Be In Energetic Harmony

The Law of Attraction says you can have anything you are willing to become. You live in a world that operates by Universal Laws. As such, humans have a magnetic radius to the energy that they hold. When you desire to bring something into your life or experience a new result, the place to begin is within yourself. You can have anything you are willing to become; i.e. hold the energy.