GUEST BLOG: This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You

This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You: In Words and Pictures, Children Share How Spanking Hurts and What To Do Instead is not another parenting tome by an ivory-towered theorist. This eye-opening book is written and illustrated by those most affected by spanking — children. Their words and drawings show that spanking doesn’t result in the behaviors parents and teachers desire. Instead, it sows seeds of pain, despair, humiliation, confusion, anger — and the continuation of a cycle of violence.

Addictive Personality – What Is It and What Causes It?

Society needs to take a hard look at what is created when thoughts and feelings are labeled an Addiction. Western/Allopathic theory and protocol fails to recognize symptoms are inexplicably within the person’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Every symptom can be more accurately defined as an expression of the person’s experiences, lifestyle, beliefs, indoctrination and conditioning.

Steve Jobs Didn’t Have To Die of Pancreatic Cancer

Would it be OK if I told you there is a protocol that considers the natural cause of body dysfunctions, the reason (root cause) behind the development of tumors called cancer, and all other ‘sickness labels?’ Would it be OK if I told you many people have used this protocol and lived a natural healthy life beyond Western/Allopathic life expectancy? To begin, one needs to understand the fundamentals on how the body functions outside the confines of Western/ Allopathic protocol.

Happiness: Create It

I pondered how many people stop to contemplate the things they do to create happiness. It is important to know what you do to create your happiness so that you can tap into it when the going gets tough or things go awry.

Abraham Lincoln stated, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” How happy will you make up your mind to be? What will you do to create happiness? The following tips will set the stage to create happiness.