MY Response to: I feel like the system and circumstances are holding me back from my full potential. What do I do?

You need to discover the beliefs that drive your perception that the system and circumstances are holding you back. I will give you an example. I worked with a person recently who approached everything with fear. Fear that something would befall her, someone would harm her, etc.

Have You Ever Wondered If You Were Sexually Abused?

What To Do: A multifaceted healing—mind, body, spirit process specifically focused on mental, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse and diligent work is the most effective process; wherein the survivor can replenish her/his mental, emotional, physical, spiritual identity and empowerment. The symptoms which are diagnosed as disease, genetic or a disorder is the psyche’s message system that something is awry and needs to be addressed at the root cause….the mental, emotional, physical and/or sexual trauma. 

Deep Healing Versus Treating Symptoms

The most effective protocol for all Mental/Emotional, Physical or Sexual dysfunctional symptoms is Deep Healing. Deep Healing is quite different from symptom removal. Symptom removal is the type of protocol offered by the medical profession. Symptoms are the focus and the goal is to numb, suppress or cut out the body part to make the symptoms go away.